Let me just say that the only good part about this game is the warthog. Now that that's cleared up...
No Falling Damage: Status: What were you thinking?: Description: I'm Master Chief, I can ride a Banshee as high as I want and jump out, and I still don't get hurt. I'm so strong. Now why can't I fire the battle rifle without ending up on my back from the recoil...
No health: Status: (Shudders): Description: No, just no. What the heck? It apparently adds strategic elements to the game, but all it means is that you just hide behind a rock for a few seconds and you're healed. Where's the strategy in that, may I ask? It also means that if you fight someone and they win, you can't even say : Well I almost killed you... They just recharge. And if someones sniping, you can't wear them down under a consisten crush of bodies, because they just stand behind a rock and come back fully prepared.
Coagulation: Status: Blood Gulch Rehash: Description: The only enjoyable part of Halo 1, in my opinion, was 4 player Slayer in Blood Gulch. However, in Halo 2, the map is too big, the bases have too many doors, and the rocket launcher and boarding renders all vehicles obsolete. And the sad thing is, it is still the second best map in the game.
Thankfully I don't have to get this game, because I don't have an XBox.