Sorry for my recent inactivity!
Part of my career involves detailed planning that, has involved, H1N1! To be honest I have found the whole idea to be blown out of proportion! The media is mostly to blame, as well as, the doomsayers!
What you can do to prevent the spread of any virus!
1. Use the hand sanitizing stations that should be directly outside any restroom/washroom/lavatory/loo!
2. Upon completion of the task that brought you to the above mentioned facilities, "Wash Your Hands"!
3. When you leave the facility, sanitize your hands thoroughly! (Rub the sanitizer into your hands like you are angry)
The reason for the secondary can't trust the person before you to do the right thing!
H1N1 as well as any other Flu can only survive outside of it's host environment for about 5 to 20 minutes! I am actually more concerned with Hep's A and B! These are viruses that effect the liver and can be fatal if left untreated!
For those of you that have desk jobs! I recommend a hand sanitizer that is peroxide based! If you are going the alcohol route, then make sure that the alcohol content is at least 65%! It will dry your hands out, so, ask your Pharmacist/Druggist/Chemist for a "Barrier Lotion"! Has a real nice side effect of a short term kill rate of about 30 to 60 minutes! Don't let that give you false hope, wash and sanitize your hands frequently! Wipe your phones/keyboards/fax buttons/anything else you can think of...daily!
For those that travel, via plane/train/bus/other! Keep a hand sanitizer on your person! Bring your own munchies! Try to limit your exposure to those individuals that are obviously ill!
The very young and our aged ARE most at risk!
If you follow these guidelines, take your vitamins and get a minimum of 7.5 hours of sleep every night with a well balanced breakfast everyday, trust me, you wont get sick!
Okay, end of health advice!
ODST, Is the new "crack"! I love it! I recommend it! Go buy it! Support Bunjie!