My Blackberry and my new addiction!
by LordKingboat on Comments
No, I'm not unfamiliar with bb's, after all I do have one from my employer. However; it's restricted to the nth degree! So, after debating the "smartphone" issue, I got a "crackberry"! I have an iphone...*yawn*...good games though! Here is what sold me...BBM...otherwise known as Blackberry Messenger. The most single coolest idea for a smartphone! I can send, photos, pdf's, messages, pretty much anything to anyone in my bbm list...for free! See, the thing is, my employer blackberry is monitored by both RIM and the University for security reasons...I get it and I'm not bothered by it either! So, I invited all my bbm friends/ colleagues/co-workers...holycrap did the fur fly! See, everything is safe and secure on bbm! Who new that my closest bud "Pete" whom "loves" the boss...they golf/bbq/everything together...can't stand the guy?... Anywho, Kingboat, has a new "addiction"! lol