Well first of all To all those in The Modern Gamers Union, sorry about not being on lately, started new job and a second job, so I work alot lol. But, I have a little time off now for my part time job, so I Hope to be on more.
There's alot of new games coming out in next few months. Exciting times. First off I want to Start off with one game am interested in coming out for PC and Wii. Spore, this game looks really good, I mean for an E.A game, I know Maxis is developing it, but so far it looks very good. Second game is new Star Wars Clone Wars for Wii, looks like a great multiplayer game and about time too lol. And last one for Wii am interested in is the New Wii Sports Resort, this game is going to be a much needed follow up to Wii Sports.
Now the X360 has some good games coming out soon. I am interested in New Fable game, good really good, first one was too short, this one better be longer lol. And what about Force Unleashed, New Star Wars game, about time lol. And last one that is multi-platform, that am looking forward too is Guitar Hero: World Tour, this game looks so much better then Rock Band, woot.
Sorry to all those PS3 fans, am not a PS3 fan, so I really dont keep up with the games, but I do know that a New Ratchet and Clank is coming out, as Well as GOD of War 3 and the new FFXIII. These games look good, too bad I really dont like Sony lol. Well These are a few games coming to a system near you soon, so keep an eye out.