@doorselfin: Wow, way to dash the Switch owners' hopes, considering how they were hell bent on insulting everyone who said that it was a mistake and Switch couldn't run DS3 with that graphical fidelity.
Bloodborne wasn't even nominated for a music composition, game design or art direction award. That alone shows how obsolete these awards are.
And what exactly is Witcher's technical achievement? Running at sub 30 fps almost constantly on the consoles?
What was great about Fallout's game direction? The dull Minecraft sim portions? How exactly are its RPG elements better than Witcher's? Hell it even got nominated for a story award.
I nominate the excellent lore and the subtle plot of Bloodborne for great writing. I believe it often gets overlooked when compared to the great plot in the Witcher 3. These "professional" gamers should at least make an effort to decipher and comprehend it and recognize how good it is, instead of blatantly handing this award to ROTR.
I'm still pretty pissed off that people chose Grow Home over Armello. Game had zero replay value and piss poor performance the higher you went. It was more of a demo than an actual game, just like Crysis 3. Now Armello was something refreshing, a table top RPG with a really catchy art style and a great soundtrack.
Funny how Bloodborne and MGSV are rated higher in most of the lists than either The Witcher 3 and Rocket League, yet were lower than both on the actual GOTY list. Reinforces my point that TW3 only won over BB and MGSV so there won't be a backlash from fans.
@bbq_R0ADK1LL: Basically all the reasons you just provided would roll into the category of "good writing". Tough choices, nuanced characters, etc. are all signs of a very well written game. And I already gave that to the Witcher.
BB is all about Lovecraftian horror, and the 'hideous' environments as you call them are way better done in BB. I can't remember something as creepy as the forbidden woods or the Nightmare of Mensis in Witcher 3, or something as desolate as the Hunter Workshop brimming with lore and the plethora of theories its existence holds. There are meant to be no beautiful environments, and someone pointed out earlier that the graphics are better on the Witcher 3.
It's a very basic rule of comparison between two things that there must be a control factor, and it happens to be the platform in this situation. On PS4, the framerate was just playable for Witcher 3, and the graphics are more or less the same as BB. Please don't bring a $1000 PC into this. Owning one, yes it's great on PC, and the console version doesn't hold a candle to it.
Speaking of mini quests, if you played BB or any souls game for that matter, you'd realize that they do quests in an entirely different way. There is no marker, there is no log. Certain encounters in the world and some of your actions decide the fate of characters or outcome of events, and all of this goes on continously in the background. And oh, Bloodborne isn't a typical free roam game, so there really isn't a side quest system or world changing events, and they aren't meant to be found in such a game.
And please don't tell me that the generic Chort or Griffin is better designed than Ebrietas or The One Reborn. Look at the design of the Winter Lantern and you'll find out why it frenzies you on sight. The Witcher 3has no monster with such detail to design.
EDIT: I might have rolled my reply to @BeefoTheBold and this guy into one. I'm so sorry for that. Consider this my rebuttal to the points you've thrown at me.
My two cents, but I believe that they just gave GOTY to Witcher 3 just so as not to create an uproar over it. Bloodborne has a far superior combat system, without those clumsy controls or stiff-ish animations Witcher had, a way more well composed soundtrack collaborated on by six or so different composers who really nailed the feel for each boss, some of the best lore and art style I've seen in a video game, plus it didn't need a myriad of patches to run smooth or came out bug ridden. I could mention the chalice dungeons and multiplayer components too, but that wouldn't be fair.
The only trump card Witcher 3 has over BB is the writing. Absolutely beautiful characters and great side quests each one of them. Plus a great plot. But that's about it. Yeah you can run off and explore the open world or play Gwent, but that would be unfair on BB since it isn't meant to be free roam. Oh and we got 16 bits of free DLC (GTA V gives out way more, but who cares?)
Maybe if Bloodborne came out on other platforms it wouldn't be judged so harshly against The Witcher 3, but imo Bloodborne was easily this year's finest game. The Witcher 3 deserves to be in that top 5 definitely, but it doesn't rival Bloodborne. Now Rocket League at number 2 is another matter entirely.
LordTrexGuy's comments