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LordZeragon Blog

My favorite game of all time

Since i am not a high enough level to post a review im going to do it here... This is a review for The Elder Scrolls Oblivion for the Xbox 360, even though it is pretty much the same for both of the systems. First of all this is my Favorite game of all time. If you disagree, I really dont care. ITS MY OPINION!!! Anyway, this game has incredible graphics. Yeah, they may be a little glitchy at times, especially on the 360, but overall they are amazing, especially for a game that was made in 2006. The Landforms are amazing. Thats all that needs to be said. And next would be the character creation. THIS IS THE BEST PART! I love creating characters!! you can make each character so unique. Its amazing that this game is so much of an Improvement from Morrowind. Ill admit, I hated morrowind. IT SUCKED. but this game is amazing. The main story could have been better, with a few more twists than there were. *SPOILER* the game led on that Martin would betray you, but he didnt. Kinda dissapointing. It was also dissapointing that you couldnt join the other side and fight for the Mythic Dawn. Then at the end of the quest the world would be paradise, as seen in the end of the main quest. *END SPOILER* I hate givin spoilers, ahh well. Anyway, I have had this game since Late December of 08 and i am still not bored. I LOVE THIS GAME. Overall I give it a 9.8/10, cause there were some things that needed improvement but only minor things. When i reach level 3 i will post this were it should go. CANT WAIT FOR TES 5!!!!!!!!!!!

About me!!

Hi people of Gamespot! well i just joined today, March 29. Im very excited to give my opinion on reviews and such. If any of you wish to be my friend fill free to add me here or on XBox live my username is Zeragon45. Well usually i play RPG games such as The Elder Scrolls Series and WoW, but overall I love all types of video games. My least favorite category would have to be Sports games, but i still like them. My favorite Game of all time is TES: Oblivion. My least favorite games are defiantly any based off of movies. THEY ALL SUCK. Anyway, my favorite type of music is Heavy metal, but i love almost all rock besides Punk and Soft. Hate HIp- Hop and Rap and all that. CANT STAND COUNTRY MUSIC!!! remember that >_> anyway, add me if u wanna be friends. TTYL!!!! ^_^