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Don't "Passover" this great Easter Celebration!


Ha! Oh what a master of comedic writing I am I am! Actually funny story...well actually it's kind of sad and pathetic really but not in THAT sort of way so cast off your immediate thoughts of Damon-type melancholic reflections away. one particular retail establishment who shall remain nameless, although often joked about for years by many an employee, someone in advertising at the home office actually thought that creating a sign for the holidays reading "Don't Passover These Great Savings" was actually a good idea. :| I know...funny but not in the earnest way they intended so it's really just kind of sad. But these are the kinds of things that happens when you have a home office that's not located in a big major city...just a lot of white affluent folks that are completely disconnected from reality. But as always I digress.

Somewhat similar to the whole Hanukkah getting a big boost social boost from its associative calendar position to Christmas thingy which sort of raised its importance despite it being originally a fairly minor celebration due to its apocryphal origins, Easter/Eostre and its actual close association to Passover was THE major serious ceremony in ye olden times. As you might imagine, in Christian belief the action of your Lord suffering horribly in order for the entirety of mankind to be forgiven and then rising from the great beyond is a great deal more significant than one being born maybe sometime around this date or that. But since the end of the year pagan rituals were so big and so awesome and the Christians didn't want to appear to be the dour fuddy-duddy religious choice, eventually Christmas became the holiday to end all holidays in the general public eye of the Westerner.

So what you say? Who cares? Well...I suppose you're right. It's just a lazy long way for me to segue into the fact that Easter is now generally thought about as bunnies, eggs, and candy, candy, candy, and then mayhaps a trip to the church for an early Sunday service if you are so religiously inclined. For me there was initially a lot of religion from my early childhood days, but eventually it became all about getting a big basket o' chocolate and going on picnics. These days I really don't do anything on any holiday, but I have been getting a habit into dressing up my profile at Screened in various themes of various calendar events. While I was doing so I came across a great deal of bunny-themed pictures by German painter Michael Sowa who tends to dabble in surreal themes although as you'll see they are often of a rather whimsical nature. I know I know...another picture oriented thread? Sorry, I didn't plan that and I suppose I should've thrown a movie review or something in between if I was thinking this out ahead. Despite that I still hope you enjoy the bunnies.



I can't help but think Magritte when I look at this for some reason, but I do like the way it hints at how the whole thing might just be a wild fantasy on the part of the house bound cat who dreams of flying penguins to chase.


Rabbit on a Train

I haven't fully decided whether this is a sad painting a la The Illusionist in which the bunny is leaving everything behind and is inexorably alone in the world, or perhaps it's a set up for some kind of Hitchcockian tale of deceit and MURDER!


Rabbit on a Rainy Street

Another one in which I could think of him as a lonely homeless bunny just trying to get by, but honestly I get this bunny-noir vibe off of it and I tend to think the bunny has some sort of important micro-film that the commies want and the street-wise criminal bunny can't choose between being a loyal citizen and giving it to the officials or if he should merely sell it to the highest bidder. Mystery!


Bunny Dressing

Although initially it just looks like a cute little bunny playing dress-up, for some reason I get this sort of voyeurism vibe and I feel like I'm perhaps seeing something a little too private that I shouldn't be. Probably just some repression on my part though.


Bunny Performance

Nothing really going on here folks, just a bunny standing on it's outstretched ears. It's a funny thing though, as one who watches a lot of early films it's amazing just how huge and important big department store window displays used to be to the world of advertising.

Happy Easter! (which by the way is the name of the first painting at the very tip-top)