My goodness how time flies when one is self-conscious of imminent failure! This is my odd way of stating that I really didn't mean for this much time to pass between blogs. As per usual my overactive appetite for creation got the better of me and I started to imagine these grandiose epic blogs that I would construct that would stand as a testament to mankind -- well, at least the mankind that makes up the reasonably vast tapestry that makes up the online world of Gamespot.
Then something happened. I hesistated. A simple mental blink and suddenly creativity began to unravel. Then one week passed. Then another. Another soon followed which, if you're paying attention, was quickly followed by a long string of the aforementioned "anothers". Soon time was having its merry way with me and it became disconnected from my core sense and the whole of idea of stepping back and looking at that big picture of life, like a good higher mammal, completely escaped me. Every day was a new day in which I fought to survive! If only I could get home to watch more 30's movies on the Turner Movie Channel! Must...LIVE!
So...I lost track of time and procrastinated. :| I know, I could have just said that but as people who frequent some of the areas in which I post, brevity is just not my strong suit. I also came across some very well written blogs that so impressed me with their content that I felt any contribution that I would put forth would just seem somewhat moot.
Where are are all these blocks of text going? Where's the atypical Daemon punch line? Personal growth epiphanies? A point perhaps? Sorry but no, there's nothing here. Just me hanging out at Gamespot. I'm just going to try to move forward and see if anybody wants to come along. If you don't, that's fine. So what's going on?
I finally got Xbox Live! For some of my newer Gamespot compatriots this may seem like an odd announcement I suppose. But I actually picked up a 360 just a few months after launch and I never bothered to get the XBL service! No particular reason. I just never thought playing online was anything all that special and after watching many a game get half-assed out the production door just because the company wanted to add online play made the idea of partaking in this service seemed even less appealing. But those thrice-damned online games, patches, updates, and added content at long last compelled me to take the plunge and goodness me but I went crazy soon afterwards.
I immediately bought Castlevania - Symphony of the Night! wait, I lied to you for dramatic purposes. I actually first went online and started downloaded every appealing add-on packs that I could never get ahold of and was oh-so-jealous of my online enabled buddies for possessing --- then I bought SOTN. I apologize if I misled you. So, blah blah blah, greatest game ever, nothing even comes close, blah blah, like an old friend, blah blah...hey! I forgot you don't have a separate listing of all the monsters in this iteration so the only way to check on your monster progress is to go all the way back to the library.:| Every time!:x Other than that...perfection.
Pinball! :D Okay I'm sure some of you are wondering how I could possibly be so excited to play simple pinball games on XBL. Well as I've grown up, quite literally with the home gaming market, I've always longed for a pinball machine and I frequently looked forward to the many attempts to emulate the pinball experience. Yes I realize that I'm a big boy now and I have a computer and decent emulators have been around for a few years but I just won't buy games for my computer. You see, a little voice in my head informs me that if I buy games for my computer then I will soon never leave the house and ignore everything and everyone to appease its formidable skills at customization. No I won't buy any games for my computer. Yay pinball!
I GOT A CAR! It's a very old hand me down that's been, well, handed down many, many times in the past but it gets me back and forth to work and the store so I'm not going to knock it. I've actually been riding my bike to and from work for two years now so having anything at this point is just the greatest gift I could have received. Well, maybe not the greatest gift as I have a very active imagination but still -- pure awesomeness in the mental stress department and a great relief to my body overall. My best friend gave it to me actually and for his efforts I gave him my extra emergency "oh my god all the 360's will break" spare 360 that I've been holding onto for years because my xbox never has died. Someday it will I suppose. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, but isn't that true for all of us?