Just recently a lot of people have been talking about their problems (medically), especially in the Rocking chair where we are all getting on a bit as it is!
This got me thinking about a hospital appointment I had about a year back and more specifically the doctor I was speaking to. I have total respect for doctors because put simply they do one of the most worthwhile jobs a person could ever wish to do. However this one inparticular almost saw the uglier side of my, in general, relaxed nature.
I started to get little patches of white on the skin on my thighs, not knowing what it was I went to the local doctor who then refered me to a skin specialist. I had an incling of what it might be but hoped that I was wrong. After looking at me for about 5 seconds she confirmed my suspicions that I had Vitiligo .
I was fairly happy to hear that, as long as I keep it completely out of the sun, the effects are only cosmetic. Still feeling fairly upset that at some point in my life the patches will spread to more visible areas, such as my face, I asked lots of questions about possible treatments. Aparently there are none. Now instead of giving me the usual "there, there" kind of things that I needed to hear, she asked me what I did for a job…….:? so I told her I was in marketing and she replied "well there you go, at least you aren’t a model or something because that would ruin your career" :|……errrrrrr whatever. She then went on to tell me that also at least I’m not black because it looks much worse on black people than it does on Caucasian people…….right. Then, just to top it off she told me that in situations like this all I need to do is have "faith in god that he has a purpose for all of us"!!!!!! :evil: WHAT?!?! You are a scientist FFS!!!! The student doctors in the room went bright red at the ridiculous comments this woman was spouting. After shouting about how inappropriate her comments were she then said that anger was the normal reaction to being given news like this…….NO, anger was the normal reaction to stupidity of the highest degree. At this point I left to avoid getting arrested.
I don’t really know why I am posting this in my journal, I guess its partly because I have never spoken to anyone other than my girlfriend about it and also to point out to people that doctors are not always right, sometimes they do get things wrong and make serious errors of judgement. Even if it is only on a subjective matter!
-------------In the rest of my life ------------
Everything is pretty much as last time except…
I’ve spent the majority of my time on the beach with friends and a BBQ
My brother has split up with his fiancee (they have been together for 9 years) which was a shock.
I hurt my knee and back from playing football (Soccer) with a jack russell dog.
I’ve just told everyone I have vitiligo
I have mostly been eating plain choclate with bits of orange in (yum yum)
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