Well, it seems everyone and their mothers have a blog now-a-days so I thought I'd do something unique and trail blazing and start my own. Don't really have much to talk about today, but lets see....
Well, Saturday night we hope on a plane to wonderful Disney-World in sunny Orlando, Florida!!! We are leaving on Saturday the 16th, and coming back the following Sunday, eight days total. I figured this was the ideal time to go b/c my kids are, IMO, the perfect age to really enjoy the place. My son is 2, and my daughter is 4 (5 next month), which I think is perfect b/c they're just the right age to be caught up in the magic of it all. They won't see through all the facades, or see the 16yo pimply faced teen-ager in the Micky Mouse suit, so in other words they'll be able to really enjoy the place and it sights. We will be staying in the Disney Pop-Century resort, which is on Disney property and from what I hear the hotel is almost an attraction in itself. Besides going to all the different Disney parks (which I think there are like 5 now), we'll also be going to Sea World, Universal Studios and Busch Gardens for a day each. I think we'll all have a really good time and everyones looking forward to it.
Only downside to the whole trip is that my lovely,and beautiful wife isn't letting me take a laptop....Can you imagine? Such audacity. I guess I probably wouldn't have any time to get on and play any of my games anyway b/c we'll be in a theme-park everyday pretty much from sun-rise to sun-set. But it'd nice simply knowing that it's there if I wanted to check in on my lvl 30 Captain in LoTRO, or get a quick few matches going in C&C3, but what can I do? Certainly not argue the point anymore with he, I already have and I can't make any head-way. So, I guess I'll just suck it up and go gameless for a week... Well, I'll have the DS and a few games to play, but as we all know that's not the same, but it should at least be able to (hopefully) stave off the worst of the withdrawl.
Well, wish me luck :)