I'd like to state all of the pros and cons for both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360.
I'll start with the PS3
1.Beats 360 in month-by-month sales
2.Free wireless, built-in Blu-ray, and free online play via the PlayStation Network
3.internet broswer
4.Blu-ray won the format war
5.ALL games are on Blu-ray discs (that's a whopping 50 Gigs per disc!), allowing great games to be born!
6.VERY low failure rate
7.Great connectivity between the PS3, the PSP, and the computer
8.Small, light controllers
9.Sixaxis wireless controller for certain games
10.PS3 is quite adaptable to user needs .
11.Cheaper upgrades too .
1.Few great games, but plenty of great games coming soon
2.Not as many people on the PSN compared to XBL
3.Demos, add-ons, and such are on the PSN after the XBL Marketplace
4.Some (very few) PS3s have disc drive problems that don't read the discs properly or will not accept the discs at all
5.No rumble controllers (but seriously it's not that important); also, the rumble controllers have been announced
6. most of games data is needed to be stored on the pS3 hardrive
7.Marketplace is way more interesting than PS3, although the gap gets smaller
Now for the Xbox 360
1.XBL has many people and a great connection
2.You can own noobs online while listening to your favorite music!
3.Beats PS3 in overall sales due to the fact that it was released over a year before the PS3
4.Great games
5.Demos, add-ons, and such are on the XBL Marketplace before the PS3
6.Rumble in controllers
1.WAY too many callbacks and problems (RRoD, destroying of discs, etc.)
2.If you bought everything to as closely match the features of the PS3 it'd cost almost the price of the sytem itself (HD DVD drive, wireless hook-up, XBL payments) - these things add up!
3.No Internet browser
4.HD DVD lost the format war
5.All games are on regular DVD discs (a measly 8.5 GB of memory), which greatly limits games
6.WAY too high of a failure rate - about 17%, in fact
7.Large, heavy, roaring jet engine fans!
I myself am a PlayStation owner and lover, and was trying not to be biased. I gave facts and only facts.
Give me your opinion please, i'll count the votes later.
Thank you
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