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Lord Moe's Top 10 Anime List: #8

Welcome back friends! Today we are checking out #8 on my list of Top 10 Anime! Let's go!




























#8. Romeo x Juliet

An anime retelling of Shakespeare's legendary masterpiece, "Romeo and Juliet". What more do you want? I may only have watched 13 episodes of this so far, but it has been a very good 13 episodes.

Now, do I really have to tell you the story on this one? It is Romeo and Juliet after all. Well...actually, yes! This retelling is VERY different from the original story. THe only similarities are that it involved two people (Romeo and Juliet of course) who fall in love, but are from two families who hate eachother. The rest is completely new and original.

This retelling follows Juliet more closely, while, if I recall correctly, the original play followed Romeo more closely. It starts off with the killing of the Capulets, leaving only a few followers, and Juliet, alive. The muderer: Montague. Juliet must hide her identity, by dressing as a male, until she is 16 years old. When she reaches 16, she is expected tolead the revolution against the Montagues, who have taken over Neo Verona (the setting of the anime) after the slaying of the Capulets. But, of course, she meets Romeo along the way and things start to get worse from there.

One of the strongest parts of this anime is the characters. This show has a lot of deep, colorful characters. My favorite so far is Romeo. He is such a strong character (and I don't mean physically. I mean mentally). An interesting thing Iliked about the two main characters is that they are set up to me opposites. WHile Romeo is a noble who has a lot of strength and courage, Juliet is on the weaker and unstable side. It should be interesting to see how this show leads up to the inevitable ending. I highly recommend this to allanime or Shakespeare fans (unless you're a purist that is).