With the news of Giantbomb's collaboration with Gamspot, there is much excitement and anticipation of what can come of this, but there still remains a lot of concern surrounding their return to CBS.
Positive thoughts surround how both will benefit from this bondage. Giantbomb's lack of resources remain its ultimate obstacle for growth and has retarded it from providing the best service to its fans for a long time. CBS now offers those resources leaving Giantbomb's future open to bigger and greater things, if not just a brighter outlook for the sometimes struggling website. It is also clear that The Hotspot would do very well with the contributions from one of gaming's great podcasters, and now with access to the articulate minds of Kevin VanOrd and co, the bombcast should also make for some much more interesting listening.
But with this news came the sad news that Tom Magrino, the Hotspot's host was sacked by CBS, leaving the Hotspot hosting chair empty in the midst of such great advancements in news and the history of both Gamespot and Giantbomb. Magrino's sacking also leaves a unsightly dent to human face of Gamespot, that shows no emotion in the sight of such injustice and sadness.
Apart from this unfortunate coincidence, Giant bomb's return also introduces certain understandable fears. Giantbomb has always been a product of the anti-establishment, a group of guys that left he mainstream to "go indie", working out of basement and buildng a website from the ground up with the help of people who also felt violated by Gerstmann Gate in 2008. With their return to the mianstream, how will Giantbomb's independance be affected and how much involvement will there be from the suits higher up until Giantbomb turns into nolonger the product of a gaming community that wants honesty and transparency? Gamespot's reaction to Magrino's sacking highlights this jarring contrast with Giantbomb, who would never let slide the sacking of a long time employee/friend. Giantbomb had ofcourse been formed from the unfair and un-transparent sacking of Jeff Gerstmann, its head honcho.
So how will the relationship of very different websites, not in terms of people, but in terms of management styles result for the underdog Giantbomb? It's future is definitely one to observe closely and hopefully both website will see only benefits from this startling and exciting news. The world of gaming has been rather monotonous with its string of sequels and the inane dialogue about speculations pertaining to next generation consoles. This atleast makes these recent developments very welcome indeed for this follower of the game inducstry.