It's election day, and as Americans go out onto the streets to participate in democracy, the rest of the world holds their breath, that Romeny does NOT get elected.
Now there's an interesting notion. Regardless of your political affiliations, that fact should surprise you, and you should be wondering why, why is it that Romney is so unpopular nearly everywhere around the globe (except Pakistan)?
Well the answer I think is clear; Now please, if you are Republican, hear me out; I think Obama is not perfect too... however;
Romney and the republicans are a uniquely American creation; and only in America could a party like that exist.
Obama is seen largely as the people's choice; the guy who cares about the people. Obama's policies, although largely and comparatively conservative initiatives (if you go throughout history, Obama is quite conservative); are doing things that benefit the middle class. Romney is seen as the representation of the corporations, and rightfully so, which are largely built upon greed and social darwinian philosophies. So people outside America are wondering; why does anyone in the middle class vote Republican?
The answer to this question is a very long one and it needs lots of evidence; but lets just leave it at; because they are brainwashed. Brainwashed into ignoraing evidence and to not think for themselves. Many are going to the ballots with no idea about the policies they are voting into office, and its obvious that Romeny's campaign KNOWS THIS. That is why Romney has managed to flip flop all over the place in a attempt to sway independent voters who would otherwise be voting for Obama. The Republican majority has no idea what is going on.
Now that's not to say a large portion of 'liberals' aren't empty minded; they are and frightfully so. The ignorance that has infected American politics is a poison to democracy. But the reality is, if they knew what platforms each candidate was running on, Obama would win straightforwardly. There's alot of reasons why, but ponder this; Obama is more republican than Ronald Reagan. Essentially, Obama should be getting all the votes if it were the 80's again.
SIDE NOTE: Ignorance also allows Obama to do some unfortunate things; if all of America were freed from ignorance; we would get a fair democracy, and the American dream could be a reality for all Americans. but alas, the education system and mass media have evolved the majority of Americans into sheep; sheep that are trained to work and buy things. But that's another discussion to be had.
Obama isn't perfect, but he's clearly the lesser evil. It's obvious for the rest of the world, and strangely not so obvious for Americans.
America is a strange place; people view it as the great land of opportunity and freedom, but in reality its a strange world where people are brainwashed and incredibly ignorant. Then again its a better method to control the population than through brute force, it may be the only way Capitalism can realistically work. But that's another discussion to be had as well.
Other reasons why the world fears Romeny is because he appears unstable; could Romney be another Bush? But I think it ties all again back to how Romney symbolises the corporate America; A greedy America goes to war for oil and power, a generous America spends that money on aid and scientific research that benefits the world.
The world waits for the results, the predictions are in Obama's favour, which is easing a lot of minds. But the fear remains because if Romney gets in, its not just Americans that lose; the whole world loses too.