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Lord_Satorious Blog

Black Friday 2008!

Lots of good deals at today, I definitely took advantage of it. I really didn't want to go out to local stores and rummage through whatever they might have left, so thank goodness for online shopping. I placed two separate orders, but shipping was free on both, so no big deal. Firstly, the games I bought; - Condemned 2: Bloodshot (Xbox 360), $14.95 - Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - Colonies Edition (Xbox 360), $19.95 - N+ (DS), $11.95 - Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon [gift w/ purchase] (DS), $14.95 And of course some video game accessories; - Nintendo DS Game Card Case 16 - Black (by Hori), $4.95 - Nintendo DS Game Card Case 16 - Pink (by Hori), $4.95 - Nintendo DS Lite Play Stand (by Hori), $4.95 I ordered the black case first, not realizing they had a pink one available (to go with my coral pink DS Lite of course), so I got that one with my second order. I don't know if the 'play stand' is any good, but it was cheap enough to take a chance on. Anyway, I bought some other stuff too; - 1984 (hardcover) by George Orwell, $16.32 - Dungeons & Dragons - Adventurer's Vault, $19.77 - Dungeons & Dragons - Martial Power, $19.77 - Rashomon - Criterion Collection DVD, $22.99 Yes, I play Dungeons & Dragons, and those books sell for $29.95 regularly. Rashomon is one of my favorite Japanese movies by Japanese director Akira Kurosawa. And I always wanted to read Orwell's 1984, so now I get to. Oh, I bought some stuff on Xbox Live as well; - Catan, 500 MSP - Rez HD, 500 MSP I'm thinking of buying the Crackdown 'Getting' Busy Bonus Pack'; although I've played Crackdown, I don't actually own it, although I do intend to buy it eventually. I'll give it some thought, I have the entire weekend for the sale.

3200 Microsoft Points, what should I spend them on?

Target had a sale on 1600 Microsoft Point cards for $14.99, $5 cheaper than normal. I bought two today, basically getting 800 points for free, which translates to a free downloable game. I already know what I want to spend the points on, I was thinking; - Braid - 1200 points - Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved² - 800 points - Ikaruga - 800 points - Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords - 800 points I know that adds up to 3600 MSP, but I had 440 already, so if I buy all these games, I'll have just 40 MSP left. In other news, I passed 10,000 gamerscore a while ago. The game that did it was Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, which I don't own, I borrowed it from a friend. Since then, I bought Mass Effect for $31.99 from Circuit City's website when they had a sale. I beat it already, but I'm playing through it again with a new character. I think I'll probably get all the achievements out of the game in three or four playthroughs. In any case, Mass Effect stopped me from playing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare online every day, which is no small feat.

A few games from Best Buy

I had a $10 off any video game $29.99 & up at Best Buy coupon (actually, as many as I could print), and today was the last day I could use it, so I decided to take advantage. I printed out two and checked a local Best Buy to see what I could find. I didn't want anything expensive, so no Bioshock or Mass Effect, I just wanted a game or two for $30 or $40 and get it $10 cheaper than normal. I did a lot of browsing, and I picked up the following; - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations, $19.99 (after $10 off) - Pokémon Ranger, $19.99 (after $10 off) I was looking for Hotel Dusk: Room 215 but couldn't find it, and I would have liked the second Phoenix Wright game, entitled Justice For All, but they didn't seem to have that either. The poor Game Boy Advance section was severely limited, and although I saw many copies of Pokémon Emerald, I saw none of Ruby or Sapphire which I would have bought instead of Ranger. My girlfriend has Emerald, so I want an alternate version, although they are all quite similar anyway. While I was there, I picked up some cheapies as well; - Earth Defense Force 2017, $19.99 - WarTech: Senko no Ronde, $19.99 I know neither is really great, and both are budget titles, but for $20 I should be able to have some fun with them. And _just_ before I was ready to go I saw MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf for $4.99 and I had to get it. If only the original MechAssault was backwards-compatible with the Xbox 360. Oh well. All in all, I think I did pretty good, but I took Phoenix Wright as the game I will play now, and the rest are Christmas presents. Okay, so there will be no surprise opening them, but at least I got my parents to pick up that bill. I only had $22 in my pocket, so I couldn't afford more than one anyway.

Black Friday deals at

Today at 3:00 AM, I ordered myself a copy of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 'Limited Collectors Edition' for the Xbox 360 for the low, low price of $19.99. My current copy doesn't seem to play in my Xbox 360 anymore, and rather than replace it for $15 (ripoff!) from Ubisoft, I thought to buy a whole new one. A better deal in my opinion, plus I get that extras disc, which is at least nifty. While I was at it, I also picked up a Prima Official Game Guide Pokédex, with all the current Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Pokémon listed with it (482+8 total), for $13.59 and received free shipping for ordering over $25 worth of stuff. I just received an e-mail telling me my book as already shipped. In related news, I got my eight gym badge in Pokémon Pearl today, with a little over 46 hours into the game. I'm definitely getting my money's worth out of this game.

Super Mario Galaxy, and some Pokemon stuff

I went to Toys 'R Us today and picked up Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii. I don't own many Wii games, but apparently this one is a must have. Normally, I don't buy games at full price, I usually wait for them to drop in price first. However, Toys 'R Us was giving out $25 gift cards with the purchase of Super Mario Galaxy, and that was enough incentive. They had tons of copies, there was no line to wait in, and I was surprised because I thought a Mario game would garner a larger crowd. Anyway, I have it now, and I'll get to playing it soon. I actually went to Toys 'R Us Tuesday to try to pick the game up, but it hadn't come in yet. While I was there, I didn't want to walk out with nothing, so bought a starter deck of Pokémon trading card game cards. I saw the Diamond & Pearl 'Royal Frost' deck, and I had to get it because it had Empoleon in it. I would have preferred Torterra, but hey, I'll take what I can get. Speaking of Pokémon, I bought Pokémon Pearl when it first came out, but only played until the first gym. Recently, my girlfriend got me back into the game; she's pretty big on the Pokémon games herself. So I've been playing for hours on end, I have over 40+ in the game so far. I'm at the battle on Mt. Coronet with Team Galactic and Legendary Pokémon Palkia. But yeah, I bought a deck of Pokémon cards, mostly on a whim. Seeing it, my five-year-old nephew wanted a deck, so my parents picked up another two decks--one for each of us--from Target (Diamond & Pearl: Secret Wonders 'Powerhouse' and 'Lavaflow' themed starter decks if you must know, I took 'Lavaflow' for myself because it had Venusaur in it). In addition to getting the aforementioned Super Mario Galaxy from Toys 'R Us today, my nephew got a second deck of Pokémon cards, the EX: Power Keepers 'Dark Blast' starter. Four starter decks, sixty cards each, in three days. I think we're off to a good start, but mostly I'd like to play with my girlfriend, as she likes both Pokémon and card games. What could be better than combining the two?

New games and movies from Costco

I can never go to Costco and not buy something. I've wanted a Pokemon game for some time, and when I saw Pokemon Diamond for $30, I knew I couldn't pass it up. However, my five year old nephew was with me, and he wanted the same game as I was buying, so I gave him the Diamond version and I picked up the Pearl version, because they're basically the same game. Then my nephew wanted to trade, so we traded with him thinking I would put back the Diamond version and pick up yet another Pearl version, and when I explained to him we were not going to both own the same version of the game, he traded back. He did however want a copy of Super Paper Mario simply because I was buying Super Paper Mario for myself, and his grandfather bought it for him without question. So yeah, I got the following games; - Pokemon Pearl, $29.99 - Super Paper Mario, $43.79 And some DVDs to add to my ever expanding collection; - 2001: A Space Odyssey, $8.99 - The Queen, $18.09 - The Shawshank Redemption - 10th Anniversary, $12.99 Speaking of my nephew, I gave him a number of my GameCube games because he wouldn't leave me alone about them, and the titles that I would've missed I bought again on eBay. I'm glad he doesn't have an Xbox or Xbox 360, because there's no way I'm giving up any of those games.

Yet more crazy stuff coming to me

So I received my order from Cold Steel a few days ago, and it's AWESOME. No seriously, I had no idea, but the head of the halberd is as big as my chest. Yeah, I can see how this could be used to take down armored cavalry. The poleaxe is equally impressive. The Sjambok is actually very flexible, almost like a whip. I expected it to be more stiff like a rod. Anyway, my five year old nephew saw it and he wanted it. Since it's basically made of plastic (a nearly unbreakable kind), my father told me to give it to him and he'd pay me for it. Whatever, I didn't want the cash, but I did take the opportunity place another order to Cold Steel's Special Projects; - Light Machete, $6.99 - 54" Brown Sjambok, $14.99 (I got the longer one!) - Assegai (w/ long shaft), $44.99 - Kopis Machete, $24.99 The first two items were on closeout, so that's why they're so incredibly cheap. The other two I just kinda wanted. The assegai is an African spear, and I figure if I'm going to have a halberd and an poleaxe on display, I might as well have a spear to go along with them. The kopis is a new item, and I always liked the distinctive shape of the blade (looks mean); plus all the Spartans used them in the movie 300, which isn't really historically accurate (the xiphos would have been much more common). OK, so it's a cheap machete, but I didn't want to spend a lot anyway. Oh yeah, my father bought two Honey Combs for himself and my mother. Had to order those separate from the Texas office because of California laws. Oh well, he paid for those, not me.

What the hell am I buying now?

I ordered some crazy stuff two days ago. Besides video games and DVDs, one of my other hobbies includes weaponry. I like all kinds, from swords to firearms, and when I received my latest Special Projects catalogue from Cold Steel and saw what they had on closeout, I knew I had to buy some new toys; - Swiss Halberd, $49.99 - Pole Axe, $29.99 - 42" Brown Sjambok, $9.99 - Kudu, $6.99 - Mini Koga SD 2, $7.99 Only $12 to ship all that too, the shafts for the Swiss Halberd and Pole Axe are nearly six feet long themselves. I can't wait to get them. I have no idea where I'm going to put them or for what purpose, if any, they will be put to. Still, nifty medieval weapons of war, are they not? Now all I have to do is be careful not to kill myself.

A few DVDs and game from Costco

Costco always has stuff, there's never any question that I will end up buying something there. Today, it was some DVDs; - Back to the Future - The Complete Trilogy, $18.99 - The Princess Bride - Dread Pirate Edition, $11.99 - Pulp Fiction - Collector's Edition, $12.99 And, of course, a new game too; - Gunstar Super Heroes, $13.99 Along with a case of fruit juice, a jar of cashews and some other stuff. I gotta post up the list of DS and GBA games I bought in the past weeks off eBay... it's a lot. Like a dozen and a half new games for my portable system. Yeah, I'm playing my DS more than my Xbox 360 lately. Fun little system, gotta love Nintendo.

Another sale, another order of anime DVDs

ADV was having their St. Patrick's Day sale, and while I don't celebrate the holiday, I did take advantage of cheap DVDs. I ended up buying; - Godannar!! - Volume 6: Deep Penetration, $10 - Godannar!! - Volume 7: War Bride, $10 - Wedding Peach - Season 1 Complete Collection, $20 - Wedding Peach - Season 2 Complete Collection, $20 I can justify Godannar!!; it's a super robot series that I've actually watched and these volumes will complete the series for me. Wedding Peach, on the other hand, is a magical girl-type series in the same vein as Sailor Moon and I've never seen a single episode. I love to spend money, and I like to own a lot of things. That's the only way I can explain it I've also bought a lot of new games on eBay for my DS and other systems, but I'll post about those at a later time.
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