3200 Microsoft Points, what should I spend them on?
by Lord_Satorious on Comments
Target had a sale on 1600 Microsoft Point cards for $14.99, $5 cheaper than normal. I bought two today, basically getting 800 points for free, which translates to a free downloable game. I already know what I want to spend the points on, I was thinking; - Braid - 1200 points - Geometry Wars: Retro EvolvedĀ² - 800 points - Ikaruga - 800 points - Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords - 800 points I know that adds up to 3600 MSP, but I had 440 already, so if I buy all these games, I'll have just 40 MSP left. In other news, I passed 10,000 gamerscore a while ago. The game that did it was Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, which I don't own, I borrowed it from a friend. Since then, I bought Mass Effect for $31.99 from Circuit City's website when they had a sale. I beat it already, but I'm playing through it again with a new character. I think I'll probably get all the achievements out of the game in three or four playthroughs. In any case, Mass Effect stopped me from playing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare online every day, which is no small feat.