New games and movies from Costco
by Lord_Satorious on Comments
I can never go to Costco and not buy something. I've wanted a Pokemon game for some time, and when I saw Pokemon Diamond for $30, I knew I couldn't pass it up. However, my five year old nephew was with me, and he wanted the same game as I was buying, so I gave him the Diamond version and I picked up the Pearl version, because they're basically the same game. Then my nephew wanted to trade, so we traded with him thinking I would put back the Diamond version and pick up yet another Pearl version, and when I explained to him we were not going to both own the same version of the game, he traded back. He did however want a copy of Super Paper Mario simply because I was buying Super Paper Mario for myself, and his grandfather bought it for him without question. So yeah, I got the following games; - Pokemon Pearl, $29.99 - Super Paper Mario, $43.79 And some DVDs to add to my ever expanding collection; - 2001: A Space Odyssey, $8.99 - The Queen, $18.09 - The Shawshank Redemption - 10th Anniversary, $12.99 Speaking of my nephew, I gave him a number of my GameCube games because he wouldn't leave me alone about them, and the titles that I would've missed I bought again on eBay. I'm glad he doesn't have an Xbox or Xbox 360, because there's no way I'm giving up any of those games.