Why not have voice commands available via headset if the Kinect is turned off? It's kinda sad how this product is falling apart due to bad marketing and horrible explanation on behalf of Microsoft.
We will always have to sacrifice certain civil liberties and privacy in order to take advantage of advanced technology, but is it worth it? Obviously Microsoft is not doing a good job in convincing us it is.
- Freedom, Happiness, Life @SyllMuzik instagram, twitter
hey idiotz, itz known that baseball is mainly in this side of the planet, making America the "Baseball world" .....people from all around the glode who actually DO play baseball, go to the US to play cuz itz the capital of the "baseball world" not the actual crappy ball of war,polution, and famin we live in .... itz like when people say, in the Hip-Hop world or Rock World .....
Lord_Syll's comments