I just got Fallout3 and it's a great game. The game is everything I expected it to be and I couldn't be happier with it. Like I usually do, I'm looking for my next game for when I'm done playing through Fallout numerious times. But when I look at the the review list, or even the preview list, it seems just about all 360 games are either some form of shooter, or racing game.
There's nothing wrong with both of the genres, but a little variety would help. I'm kinda in the mood for a good old-fashioned action/adventure game with a good story. The only game I see like that on the horizon would be the new Prince of Persia game. That's all fine and good, but that's like the only one out there.
All I'm asking for is a little variety in the game library for when I'm not in the mood to blow things up.
The fallout series have offered a better RPG experience than any of the Elder scrolls games. IMO. So if you like good RPGS get Fallout 3, just don't expect it to be better than Fallout 2.
Ok, so no one realizes that the term "oblivion with guns" is actually a bad thing? That's what Bethesda and all the Fallout fans out there wanted to avoid. So after playing the game, I can safely say that this game is absolutely NOT Oblivion with guns and I couldn't be happier.
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