Texas Hold 'Em! and some News...
by Lord_of_Cheese1 on Comments
very good game. and i got it for free. I think it is still free until tommorow afternoon or something so if you have a 360 be sure to get it! Also my Xbox Live Gold ran out. i'm not sure if i'll renew it... i have a lot of school work recently and i might not have enough time to play online. I have also noticed blog posts can be tagged and i can put this post into a catagory. now what does this go under... i guess news. it is news. sort of. To make it news, this is what is happening in the world today, totally un-opinionated: Pluto is no longer a planet! a delegation of scientists decided that today. I'm just curious though, who gave these all-powerful scientists to decide which heavenly bodies are planets and which are not? they should take it up with the guy who created said heavenly bodies. I bet he'd like a say. that's all i can think of... Pierce (LOC) P.S.: if you didn't catch on, i was refering to God as the guy who created everything. i had to say this, because when i re-read this it sounded kind-of stupid without explanation. i bet someone would have caught on though...