I don't usually let things bother me, but this dead goat scandal that Sony has gotten itself into has got to be one of the biggest PR blunders in the history of video games. If you don't know what I'm talking about, please read this article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=451414&in_page_id=1770&ct=5
The goat was killed for reasons other than this PR event and Sony said that the employees that planned it were acting without authority from Sony's top executives, but these are fairly transparent excuses. Sony has had a long history of advertisments that push the envolope in the realm of controversy. The white and black PSP advertisments in the Netherlands were bad enough, but this is completely over the line.
I'm not going to go into why it was morally wrong to have a mutilated animal at an event solely intended to sell more copies of God of War II. It's too bad that an excellent game like God of War II will now be thrown into the same category of the often misunderstood GTA games. This is not the kind of attention that the industry and players of video games need. It just got harder for everyone to make non gamers understand the value of this medium. If I was David Jaffe, or any of the other designers of God of War II, I would be preparing to sue Sony for damages.
F*$% Sony. This time they have gone way too far. Hopefully this time, their mistake burns them. If it doesn't burn them, it's going to burn all of us, in the long run.