Top 10 Greatest Villains of The VideoGaming World
by Lords-Of-Shadow on Comments
Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII If being mysterious and foreboding, dressed in black, having strange eyes, carrying a powerful cursed Japanese style sword that a hero character wielded in a previous title, an evil theme song when your around and killing off a main character aren't perfect qualities for the best villain in a video game, then add the fact that their spirit is just as deadly and diabolical as their physical one. I mean just because your mother was implanted with alien DNA before she gave birth to you, and your father was a slime ball scientist and you were used as a super soldier isn't a reason for wanting to destroy the world right? Best villain ever! Virgil - Devil May Cry 3 Cold, Calculating and just plain deadly are perfect traits for creating an arch nemesis, but when they happen to be your twin brother that can make things a bit more difficult. Liquid Snake - Metal Gear Solid Speaking of twin brothers, it can be a pain when your twin brother is genetically superior to you because some of your genes were extracted and given to him but he thinks your the one who stole everything from him because its opposite day, add megalomania cal tendencies and always coming back for more when you think their dead and you have the formula for a best villain. Revolver Ocelot - Metal Gear Solid Series When your a bad ass revolver totting secondary bad guy and you outsmart the main villain not once not twice but three times in different games and return in every subsequent sequel after that, chances are high that your a best villain. Albert Wesker - Resident Evil Series Never trust the guy who always wears sunglasses and is dressed all in black, well at least after you find out they betrayed you and your apart of their evil little scheme. Everyone knows that in the video gaming world death is no reason for a bad guy not to return but when they come back with super strength, speed and reptile like eyes, and have a cameo in every other sequel, chances are they win the title of best villain. Onikage - Tenchu Series How many times is a villain aloud to die in the rule book of returning villains? Sure maybe being resurrected by the lord of darkness each time gives you a pass, not many villains are deadly only with the use of their legs. Kain - Legacy Of Kain Series Very few games have you play as the anti hero bent on world domination, but it is the Soul Reaver Series where we get to challenge the reign of the sometimes bad sometimes.... not as bad vampire. Death - Castlevania Series Not many people can say they challenged death, kicked his butt, and lived to tell the tale, but come on, who really is a greater villain than death himself? Dracula - Castlevania Series Every 100 years this vampire baddie returns from the grave to exact his revenge on the world. Being the final boss time and time again in the Castlevania Series has more then earned him the title of best villain. Darth Revan - Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic Though Darth Vader is one of the most iconic villains of all time, Darth Revan was popularized in the gaming world as the dark lord of the sith. Of course he didnt start out as a villain, but after his quest for knowledge and coming back from war leading an armada against the jedi who refused to rally with him in the mandalorian wars, he emerged as a true sith lord. With Superior battle strategy, mask and cloak, and fueled by the dark side, this dark jedi was never really defeated and still retains his physical body.