A great job on this video re-mix of sorts... Def a bit screwed up so you have been warned
A great job on this video re-mix of sorts... Def a bit screwed up so you have been warned
Has anyone here seen the preview of Star Wars Force Unleashed (SWFU)? The game looks pretty cool, but I didn't get the same goosebumps I got from any of the movie. Infact, I hadn't seen any of the original trilogy in 5 years when I was 18. No no, I didn't get a life. It is like the original magic of the movies was gone. Vanished beyond comprehension. It wasn't till late last week when I watched a preview for the SWFU I thought to try watching the original movies.
I should explain in my early teen years I was a huge Star Wars Fan, collecting the toys and patiently waiting in line for the next movies. Only thing was as more movies came out and Cartoon shows I slowly stepped away from the Saga.
So anyways I contacted my dad who owns the DVD's of the original trilogy and asked to borrow them to watch. So I started off with "A New Hope" and worked my way too "Return of the Jedi". After completing them I can honestly say The Saga is dead. They have been butchered! Though the original three are far superior movies and great in their own way. They have lost the magic that had captivated me as a youth. While watching them all you can think of is wait that isn't what Qui Gon Jin said in "Phantom Menance". Wait Obi Wan was still being called Obi Wan after Luke was born. Also, the gap in technology also ruins it, I like the future'ish image of the original three better than the new trilogy. Characters back stories are ruined, take Boba Fett who I was a huge fan of but stopped paying attention to him after "Attack of the Clones". What happened with him was the original appeal of Fett was his mystery. A man in a dark helmet who single handed captured Han Solo. Then when "Attack of the Clones" came out, we learnt everything about him. There was no more mystery around him, his magic was dead they even managed to show his face because he is a clone of his father Jango Fett.
I still don't know if I will get SWFU though Star wars gaming was my first ever experience with on-line gaming, "Star Wars Dark Force 2 : Jedi Knight". It was my first ever game I played serious online, first time I was ever in a online guild for the game. I had many great memories of playing the game with friends.
Is the Magic of Star Wars dead? well for me all I can say is yes. The magic is dead the force is dead. George Lucas killed his own masterpiece by getting greedy. For shame Mr. Lucas for shame....
Yesterday I was playing Rock Band when my DVD drive on my 360 started making noise... like a really loud grinding noise, being concerned I turned it off. The noise got really loud and my drive open up, scratching the game. Now it won't run any games at all. Until I fix this problem my 360 is dead. At least I still have my HD intact so I can transfer everything over onto my new console.
Xbox 2006 - 08
I was responding to someone comment about if there is any talk about bringing back the Jets. While responding to that comment I was watching arrested development on CBC... it got me to think I may never see them again. SO here are my most missed things that I could never see again.
Winnipeg Jets - As a Hockey-fan in Winnipeg and only 23 years of age, it saddens my that I may never see professional hockey in this city again. Sure we got the "Mantioba Moose", but that like having your mom giveing you a **** DVD, after ruining one you enjoyed a lot. The sad thing is if Winnipeg smarten up a lot more, they could own a team again. Instead the city does more stupid mistakes and I'm stuck watching Calgary Flames(yes I'm still bitter San Jose beat them still).
Arrested Development - My single hands down favorite TV show. Smart, witty, funny, and so Unique, it failed to solidify a real audience and was cancelled after 3 season. The characters in the show are some of the funniest like GOB the magician, or Tobias Funke the first "Analrapist". Not to mention is was Micheal Cera first roll of the awkward teen that made him so funny in "Superbad". I should be happy they did give the show a ending, but it felt fake. Like the show was getting cancelled and they had to rush the ending. I should mention there is talks about making the show into a movie. I don't see that actually happening sadly. There really isn't a audience for a movie.
Chrono Trigger - Everyone has a video game in their collection that they are so passionate about. For me its a little game called "Chrono Trigger". I consider this one of the best game ever, and I still have my SNES cartridge that I will never loose. I brought it with me when I travelled across Canada, it somewhat my lucky charm. The only sequel "Chrono Cross" was a tremendous game, rich in story and characters like the first one, except my only problem was I thought it missed the charm of the first (I still love Chrono Cross just not as much). I heard rumours that Chrono Break was trademarked by Squarenix, but was recently dropped. I'm sorry I want more than anything else in this world a new Chrono game.
Trigun Game - One of my favorite animes with a great story that could easily be turned into a VG. It was in-fact slated to be created for the PS2 but was later dropped. I may very well never see a video game port of this anime.
Curses, swears, and anger... these are things I have had to deal with in my gaming years. While reading this you may think that I have "anger" issues... this is just few isolated incidents. What am I going to be talking about? that is if you haven't figured it out yet. Its curses when something goes hay-wire in a game and it pisses you off. Like a incredibly cheap boss or my brother. It just over the years the way I would get upset over dieing has changed. I have gotten a lot more mature. Though I may still get upset. After reading this if you want to post something about when you got upset go for it.
My first ever experience was a NES when I was 4, though in those years I had no idea what was going on. I just have memories of play Super Mario Brothers, and Duck Hunt. Some time after that is when I started to understand what I was playing. Though my video games skills where still far under my two older brothers I would always try to compete. It was with the competition that my first ever video game anger was ever born. What would happen was I watch my brother do something cool in Link. Then I would try, failing I would turn around and get upset and blame one of my brothers, which ever one was closer. I would scream/ or yell(yeah I had a bit of a temper problem in those days) telling them to leave. If they asked me why it was their fault I died, I would simply just say you are too close to me, as if there was some magic entity that was coming out and cursing my attempt at video game fun. They just laugh at me because of how stupid it sounded and would just kick me off the console.
My friend told me about his way when he would handle anger when losing at a video game... if you are religious please don't read this one, it might upset you. He told me he would throw down the controller and point up to the sky and curses god. Usually something along the lines of F*ck you or something. So when I heard that and I thought if I blamed my brothers and my friend blames his "god" it just something I'm sure we have all done before blame other things for are down fall.
Swearing is another thing I will do, never on online play though. Just recently I was playing Devil May Cry 4. I was stuck on a boss battle (Dante mission ten Devil Hunter mode), and I was getting so annoyed so out comes a few swears of profanity cursing that I couldn't dodge his attacks. Instead of getting my blood boiled I put down the controller and decided to try it again later. I wasn't always like that though, back in my GC days I had a bad temper with one game... Super Smash Bros Melee. This game costed me more money then what the console and actual game cost me. All because I use to smash controllers. It was this one boss battle, I can't remember exactly what it was like but It think it was a Giant Bowser with 3 henchman's and you had to defeat them with you having a handi-cap of already weakened health. I never did beat it, and every-time I would try I would go until my blood boiled with anger and I smash the GC controller on the ground. feeling somewhat relived I would then stop playing cursing the game. I wasn't till I try again and notice that the controller's Z button wasn't working, costing me another controller... I'm pretty sure I went threw 6 controllers until I snapped the game in half in my final rage attempt. To this day I still have not palyed the game again.
What Calmed my nerves was a room-mate back in Calgary, and all I can say about him is wow. I would always control my temper when playing with other people cause when you playing it just for fun. This man was a real professional in the buisness world, though very much a kid at heart. When I first moved in I saw the xbox under the TV, seeing as I had just moved to Calgary about 4 months prior I sold my previous one. I asked him what sort of games he played, he responded with one of my favorite games Halo 2. He told me he was unbeatable in the game. I always considered myself good, and I always liked a challenge so I took him up on a offer to play. He wasn't that good, and I would slaughter him usually 6-25. His temper wasn't bad at first blaming other things for his downfall, first one was his hoop (cross-hair) was too small. Then it was his grenade would bounce too much and then his guy can't jump. He would get better but still nothing I couldn't beat. His next form was that of claiming that I was a Vulture, taking kills when he was weakend, or looking at his screen the whole time. I would snicker and just and kill him again in one of many assortment of ways. One day he comes home with the biggest smile on his face and challenges me and his brother too a game of Halo 2. We agree and we commence battle. It was then turned into a bad day for him it was like he never played the game before and I soon was leading and dominating the match. He then sneaked up behind me and tried to kill me with a pistol and I spun around and killed him with the Brute Grenade launcher. He got furious saying there is no way I should of been able to win that cause the pistol is the strongest weapon and smashes the controller in the gas Fireplace. I just sat there in shock, I had no idea how to react to such a blow up. He wasn't pissed at me he was pissed at the game. You would think though someone would swore off playing that game again... but no... he didn't he would continue to challenge me and it would became a spectacle to watch him blow up. Always acting like what I'm sure I looked like playing Super Smash Bros... it was funny, yet sad.
I have a lot more incidents with temper loss of video games... except this is becoming one long article. SO its best that I leave it there. Please though share your stories of your loss of temper. It rather entertaining if you think about it. Just remember its only a game, its what helped me.
It could be worse though... always remember this kid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg4rJscrt6k
After trying flirting with disaster 26x times on rock band on hard I finally neat it! What I enjoyed was unlike Guitar Hero, you get the achievements points (if not already done) for the easier difficulties! So now all that is left is drums, vocals and expert... This might take a while.
Why do people see the need to fight about which console is better... I don't really care why but it is very entertaining. I will Sometimes sit at a news article about a game coming out, that is exclusive to the PS3 and read comments about people scrabbling over why its a shame its being wasted on the PS3 or Vice versa. I have read about the game that will DESTROY the 360 so many times it is funny! I own a 360 and I'm really happy with it. Still I do think the PS3 is a good console in its own rights.
I had this room-mate who bought a PS3 at release. He isn't a gamer at all he just buys new things cause he thinks its cool. He once bought a Mac Book air and was asking me if I was pissed off cause I'm going to school for 3d anuimation and I don't have a good as laptop as he does for it... the little he knows. Well anyways he constantly would rabble on about how great the PS3 was. I had no problem with the PS3, though I would ask him why. He could never give me a solid reason. Except microsoft is in it for money only. He would dismiss my claims as the 360 was more user friendly and had a better line up. I would enjoy egging him on, it was fun. He would always be bragging about how much better Call of Duty 4 looked on his console. The kicker about that is, he was using a xbox Television from the first console (you know the old xbox ready tvs). I was using my hi-def telly. He was just so adamant on hearing, how much better the console was going to be on release than the 360 he believes every word... Ignorance is bliss
Now I don't mean to sound like I am ranting about my ex room-mate but he is my first hand experience with a PS3 fan-boy. listening to everything he is told. When the fact is for gaming right now the 360 is the better console. Will it change? Very well could, the PS3 could launch some of the best video game titles you could ever imagine knocking the 360 to second place. Still 360 will make games and won't go bankrupt. It just won't happen, PS3 fell short of its hype but when it gets to where it should be. doesn't mean it will kill everything in its path. It would of done it in the first console war.
So can't we all have a Crown & Coke and forget about this whole problem?! Can't we just forget about how gay the 360 is on a forum about 360 game? If you need to stir up **** go play with your feces, After all they came from you.
And if anyone says they want Jack & Coke, too bad, Crown & Coke is the better mix.
Today at 1:30pm I finally got five stars on all songs on medium difficulty...
WOOT now for hard :?
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