I was responding to someone comment about if there is any talk about bringing back the Jets. While responding to that comment I was watching arrested development on CBC... it got me to think I may never see them again. SO here are my most missed things that I could never see again.
Winnipeg Jets - As a Hockey-fan in Winnipeg and only 23 years of age, it saddens my that I may never see professional hockey in this city again. Sure we got the "Mantioba Moose", but that like having your mom giveing you a **** DVD, after ruining one you enjoyed a lot. The sad thing is if Winnipeg smarten up a lot more, they could own a team again. Instead the city does more stupid mistakes and I'm stuck watching Calgary Flames(yes I'm still bitter San Jose beat them still).
Arrested Development - My single hands down favorite TV show. Smart, witty, funny, and so Unique, it failed to solidify a real audience and was cancelled after 3 season. The characters in the show are some of the funniest like GOB the magician, or Tobias Funke the first "Analrapist". Not to mention is was Micheal Cera first roll of the awkward teen that made him so funny in "Superbad". I should be happy they did give the show a ending, but it felt fake. Like the show was getting cancelled and they had to rush the ending. I should mention there is talks about making the show into a movie. I don't see that actually happening sadly. There really isn't a audience for a movie.
Chrono Trigger - Everyone has a video game in their collection that they are so passionate about. For me its a little game called "Chrono Trigger". I consider this one of the best game ever, and I still have my SNES cartridge that I will never loose. I brought it with me when I travelled across Canada, it somewhat my lucky charm. The only sequel "Chrono Cross" was a tremendous game, rich in story and characters like the first one, except my only problem was I thought it missed the charm of the first (I still love Chrono Cross just not as much). I heard rumours that Chrono Break was trademarked by Squarenix, but was recently dropped. I'm sorry I want more than anything else in this world a new Chrono game.
Trigun Game - One of my favorite animes with a great story that could easily be turned into a VG. It was in-fact slated to be created for the PS2 but was later dropped. I may very well never see a video game port of this anime.