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Yeah, I really made this account for the fact that it was just more of an Inside Joke.I wasn't thinking very straight when I said this would be my main account.I'm really sorry if any of you guys got upset or dissapointed by the fact that I made this my main or that you have to track this one.

I'm sorry for the inconvience.I guess I'm still too attached to AsakuraHao2004.I dont mind if you untrack this, which is why I havent accepted any new requests because you may not want to track this.Should anything and if you want, you can keep tracking this, because Someday If I ever do get tired I'll use this.As Shiggums said "He'll keep tracking for comedic sake".

By the way, I love the name "LosGrinchos".Give GreggD full props for coming up with it.

If you do want to track this account, and want me to track you back, tell me or PM and I'll accept.

~ Ryan