Losperman / Member

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Excited... or nervous about the Wii...

I would never call myself a Nintendo fanboy, and I can't recall too many times I've been called one by others. But I have been a huge Nintendo fan since the NES days, so every new system gets me really hyped. Of course I had to have an NES when I played Super Mario Bros. at a friend's house for the first time. The SNES followed with it's alluring Super Mario World and the N64 had the beyond-amazing Mario 64. The GameCube had Rogue Squadron II, along with the promise of some other great games. But as I was caught up in the flurry of Wii news today, I had to look at the game list and wonder why I was so excited. Don't get me wrong, some of the games coming out for the Wii have me really excited. Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Dragon Quest, etc. all sound like a lot of fun. But I've played those games before, in one form or another. Still, why wouldn't I be excited for sequels to some of my favorite games, along with the promise of strong third party support in the coming years? What caused my sudden nervousness about buying a Wii at launch? I think I am afraid that the wonderment will wear off after a few months. How many swords can I swing, guns can I shoot, and sports can I play before it no longer feels fresh and new? I can see that, at this point, the potential for the Wii controller is far reaching... but how far? Five years or more of potential? Or will the ideas dry up in a couple of years, at least from the third party end? Maybe I am just getting the pre-launch worries. I had them for the PS2, so maybe it will become normal. After all, it wasn't MY money being spent on all of those consoles as a kid. Now that I'm slapping down my own $500+ I am growing conscious of the potential risk involved with paying a lot of money for something you give up on halfway through it's life cycle. I think I just need to get my hands on the damn thing. From the impressions I've gotten from E3 and beyond, the controller is amazing. So maybe I just need to pick it up and fall in love again. Not that I've fallen out of love... I think it's more of a pre-wedding scare kind of thing. Oh well. I think my overanalyzation of it is just making it worse. Damn it. I guess I will just have to see come November 19th...