Good lord what a terrible show.
Feel free to leave feedback on my review on this blog post.
LostDevelopment Blog
It's a sad day...
by LostDevelopment on Comments
Arrested Development is shortened to 13 episodes this season and then... *tear*'s going to be axed. waaaahaaaaa
Colbert Report!!!
by LostDevelopment on Comments
IT's French, (bad word)! (what the hell.... this censorship is horrible... we must stick it to the man) I can't wait.
Awesome new seasons
by LostDevelopment on Comments
Arrested Development Lost The Office Curb Your Enthusiasm Great new show: Extras Hoping for: 2nd season of Stella/1st season DVD
Pick me! Pick me!
by LostDevelopment on Comments
And you recieve... a new car! However, you will never live down the fact that you dressed up as a bumblebee on national television. Sorry.
The Me Show
by LostDevelopment on Comments
Welcome to my Talk Show. Level 7, aiiight? I am so cool that when I walk into a meat locker, the temperature goes down by 20 degrees. Paradoxically, I'm also so hot that when I walk in the desert the temperature goes UP by 20 degrees.
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