So here I am in a suburb right outside St. Louis trying to find to do and keep from burning to death from the 100 degree heat outside. Its weird here cause if your indoors anywhere you go you are freezing to death and once you walk outside you could fry eggs on the sidewalk.
Since I only have a laptop with me video games are not an option to pass the time and I can only walk through Best Buy so many times before i get bored. Oh, I did get to use the new 3D television there and see what the big deal was. Yes, the technology does work but it doesn't really justify spending three grand on a new tv and glasses. I can live with out this tech and probably won't dive in until it gets a realistic price point and finds a way to use it without the glasses.
Before I left home I was about half way through Heavy Rain, and just started Bioshock 2 so there is something to do once I return. Both games were a blast so far and can't wait to finish them. The only other game I might buy this summer is Mafia 2 and then just wait for October so I canpick up a new basketball game and maybe a shooter if Medal of Honor turns out to be a legit good game, if not just wait till Nov. for Call of Duty.