Well... I've been alone all this week and I've been watching TV almost all the time so I have not written any blogs lately or do submissions or comment your blogs... Sorri for don't comment in your blogs, it will be only this week and Michelle, sorry for not being there this morning...
Well I have tons of things to say but I don't know if I shoul write too much in only one blog... I am plannig to doa big blog with my fave sentences in songs /The tittle of this blog is the sentence of a song that I forgot but I really listened in the past, it is all about what I would do to make the one I love that I would do anything to tell what I am feeling for that person/
Well, you know what!? I have noticed lately that I usually put "Well" in the beginning of the sentence and it is very anoying! :D :lol:
-----.,;: News :;,.----
ABOUT TV.COM: It is a fact now that for no reason I am the one that should shut his mouth in the forum! :lol: I have been in Charmed forums and apparently I am "awfully" about my opinion... you know what? I don't care at all... I am gonna be persistant whaterver happens if I think that I am right...
Submissions incoming! As a result of the big marathon of Desperate Housewives I am gonna submit tons of things tomorrow, so be sorry for the editor of that site because he/she is gonna spend the whole day reading my submissions :lol: Well, about my Charmed submissions they have not been accepted yet (only a few have been) and I am not still in that freaky list!
ABOUT MY LIFE: I am really concerned about my way right now. I am falling to the bottom of the barrel in one minute and in the other I am perfect, at least I wanna believe that... I realized what the big problem is with my emotions! I get very frustrated about lots of things and that make me angry and that make sad... vicious circle! :D
I am all alone this week because my parents are on holydays and I am here on my own, kinda independent. Well... at least the house is not on fire and I am not being eating for the litting, till this happen I will be ok!
Well tomorrow maybe I will have a friend sleeping in my house and we will watching TV till late and I hopw that will make me be "happy" temporaly (if that word even exists! :D)
ABOUT JOB: This week I am having at last the inscripcion to college! :D I saw the new "notes" and maybe I could get into the college I wanted from the very beggining... anyway I am not sure at all so I will info you all another day ok?
ABOUT INTRODUCING A NEW PART THAT MAKES NO SENSE IN HERE: lol :lol: I know that this is not... well, I guess it is a good way to say good bie to you all! :D I locked myself out of my own bedroom! :roll: I dont' know how I did but it was damn funny because you can only close the door from the inside and I have no idea how it happened! :lol: Maybe I am having some ghots over here. Well know I am search some photos to make this blog better! Good night you all! :D