Well, I think it is a good sentence to say how I feel now, no longer dead :p things have changed a lot since the last time I wrote I could say now that I am happy :p Even that is really strange for me! The other side of my title is a way to say how in love I am with this new show Pushing Daisies! For a lover of a good photography and beautiful scenes is a real gift! I love it boy... Anyway I must addmit that is really difficult to understand if you are not english! The talk really fast and not very clear! Anyway I love it despite that! :p
Well I found Dexter aswell, I don't usually do police shows but I absolutely do weird thingys:p
That's all friends Xd I have write too much this face: :P sorry XD And I want to thank all that people that helped me when I was not so happy you know what I mean
WELL SEE YOU! Today I start holydays and I am gonna do a good use of them boy:p