Well, I was thinking that this blog is gonna rock!!! Share you most embarrasing moment! :lol: And that way we will laughing out loud and having a great moment here!!!
Well... Mine is this one...
When I was smaller I was obssesed with a cards game... Now, I am not! So I went to a friend's house to he to let me cards. I was gonna scan them and copy them to make my collection bigger... When I was in the street saying good bie, I had the cards in my hand (A big big pile of cards). These cards are really expensive I may add so it would be a horrible thing to damage them. So here is the deal: I was saying bie... and the pile "explode" because I had it badly in my hand because of the big size, the cards flew over my head!!! And then they started falling slowly into the street like rain! :? My friend was :shock: and he started to look to the ground and without speak anything! I was catching all of them! And I was so so embarrased! It was very funny because it was so suddenly! The whole pile was flying over my head! I was surrounded by cards... :oops:
Well, now it is your turn