Can we say finally? Honestly - before we go on, can we say Effing Ef Ef Ef'Eye-nally! Am I right, or am I right? Okay, let's forget I said this, because to be honest - the push back of [Beep] - almost had me forgetting.
So it's the last week of April and a powerful week indeed. We've got Mario Kart already on the shelves with many complaints to stack on top of their boxes. We've got SNK Arcade coming out. Not just Blazzi-Blah oh noes another SNK game. Nay - the SNK! The one where you went to the ice-rink and all they had was SNK and Simpson's arcade games. And when you only had a quarter, you played Bubble-Bobble. Yea - gangster. If you don't know what I'm talking about, well - I guess I really am getting old.
On top of such nostalgia, we're part-taken into the long awaited movie, reprieved by the probably short lived game: Iron Man. However, I am pretty pumped for Iron-Man the game. The graphics look powerful, and well, it's effing iron man. Spider-Man's webslinging was fun in itself. Maybe flying at Mach 4 will get some steam off.
Then we finally come to my DS'. Well where things are triumphant all around, hilarity strikes hard on the DS. Yoga and Pilates. That's right. Yoga without the Dhalsim and Pilates... Well, it's with the Pilates and some aching contortioned maneuvers. How they made this into a game is beyond me, but it's ripe and ready to be sold, and I know other kinds of it exist - but seriously... With them are two games I will glance a better eye to. Toy Shop, which looks like a Tycoon spin off, but you are a toy manager rather. I fully support these simulation games, because you really do learn a bit of creativity in responsibility with them. Basically what I am saying is, if you got a tyke running around, this game is good for them. Along with it, Brainage-err Brain Voyage. Another puzzle game. Now when I say another, you may think I sound Droned. However, every puzzle game on DS is fun for hours so I imagine if you're knocking out the other DS puzzle games like Soduku or w/e that junk is, then you can now be refreshed.
So who wins my vote? Mario Kart Wii of course!!! -Criket.... Criket.. CRICKET!?-
And so we pause this transmission to inform myself the following.
Rockstar games along with it's partners have completed the X-Box-360 version of GTAIV nearly four month ago. However due to release contracts, it cannot go to stores until Sony has completed their version. 'We hope this is the last push back'.
AND IT IS! I forgot all about GTA IV until very recently. And what do I have to say about that? Well, I am out to sea right now, making me unable to play it. But you believe you and me, when I get back [With Pokemon Diamond, Ace Attorney, and few other DS games beaten], this game will be purchased right away. This is the game of the week. Easily. Sorry Mario Kart Wii, you are a classic, but nothing is more riveting than a free-lance third person shooter.
Hope you enjoyed this weeks. Guess the Best.