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Manning Up (Oblivion): Includes Horse Fights

Moseley's Def on Man Up: Doing something that will cause you or (preferably) another immense amount of pain, discomfort, or surrounding viewers/opposers/allies injuries. Manning up can also cause all those formerly mentioned 'hard-ons' and moments of homosexual desires to the manner up.

Now that we know what I am talking about, I have spent the past four days decimating Oblivion. When I say Decimate I mean completely avoid the main story line and complete all the side quests. I have completed all factions and 75% of the misc quests and 25% of the freeforms. The thing that really matters is I am maxed out in the factions, level 20, and have insane gear with a feather of 700+ lbs. For those of you who have not played this game - bugger off and go play on gaia-forums you weeabo.

Anywho - when you complete the factions you get good deals. The first I did was the mage's faction, took about 7 hours to get everything done and loot it all. I didn't care much, but it was a pretty epic ending and probably the best ending out of all the factions, although Thieves does compete, but in support to Elder Scrolls, Mage's brought back Dagger-fall's baddie and you get to kill him (again). You get your own crib, full command over newbish and vet mages as well as a per-en infitium mage henchmen (one per use). Granted, they usually kill themselves by running over traps or just going head first into battle, it's still sweet for a superior mage (myself) to have a buffer.

To describe my character, he is my first guy I have ever spent over two hours as. I regret my building, but he has all mage abilities minus alchemy and some other one, and I replaced it with Security (which is useless since I have unlock anything within 50 ft with alteration) and sneak, which is alright, but with my stealth gear plus +30 sneak for 10 second resto spell, it becomes obsolete, so my MAN UP for mages is drop something for resto, because fortifying yourself is effing awesome. Other than that my guy is all about Agil/Will/Pers. Intel is leading otherwise, but my will is usually around 120-150 with all procs and enchants on. So needless to say I gain about 10 mana a second on average.

After I maged it up I went fighters. I dragged my mage around for a few missions, but the moron would ruin my sneak attacks, so I stopped bugging the farm for fresh meat. The fighter's guild is pretty lame, and at the mid-end is extremely eerie. SPOILER!: You take this drug that enhances your abilities, but makes you hallucinate, and you kill this village of people you see as goblins. Sick stuff. Besides that I don't use what they have to offer really. Once a month (which comes more often than you think) you get money (barely anything considering I can make about 10k in an hour of game play) and some items, which when you travel like I do, you find 1500-2500 worth gear on the norm.

After that I dove into the Thieves guild. Wanna talk about hard? This was some of the hardest most annoying missions ever. First off you can't kill anyone till the end. Second off, the guards will take all your stuff you stole if they catch you. The pay off however is immense. The final mission takes about 2-3 hours on average to complete for first timers. I did it in about 2. Anyways, the ending is pretty epic, your boss is sending you on bogus missions to destroy a curse on him and he returns to his wife after ten years and you get this sick friggin cowl. What this thing does is basically give you a second identity. So I commit the most vile crimes with this thing on and I can take it off any time and no one knows the difference. On top of that it boosts your thieving skills hard-core. So how did I man up to this? I never take it off! It made alot of missions easier. I have about a 80k bounty on my head right now for murdering. I killed the entire Bravil and Anvil Imperial Guard, not sure if they respawn, but for the past few days I have been in and out they haven't been around, but their bodies have. So how can you man up? Kill entire cities!

After that, I was left with the dark brotherhood, pretty simple stuff. I did their quests before on other alts, but never finished the last few quests. You basically become lord and master and you get paid once a week, not much, actually nothing to turn a brow to, and you get a henchman. And they can go stealth! That is sweet, a smart fighter and a moron mage.

Now, onto manning up with the horse. You get a heroic horse (which I often use for storage) and he'll fight for you when he is around. I don't know about you, but because I am a nerd at heart I make personal vandettas against NPC's and some dude at a stable told the guards I was around (with my 80k bounty) and made me have to kill a few more guys. So I spared this moron and instead took my old horse into his stables and had my horse kill his horses. Nothing sweeter than seeing brutal aquestrian battles.

Anyhow, if you got this far... You must be really dedicated to this monarch of man hood and probably sporting some - eh nevermind, I don't feel like getting suspended again. If you guys have any questions on Oblivion (yea, that game that came out over a year ago... Almost two) then ask, I am pretty good and well knowledged on all the Elder scrolls.