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Pokemon and Adults

The problem of it all is I am a fan of my old childhood loves. Pokemon really being the center of it since Pokemon came out right before I began to watch the news, smoke cigarettes, and own property, basically become an adult [and no, I don't condone smoking, it doesn't make you an adult, but I thought I should mention it]. I kept up with Pokemon up until around Crystal... Or something. basically I stopped watching it when the second movie came out and I don't remember anything. I however can still recite the entire first 151 pokemon off the top of my head.

So anyways, I bought Pokemon Pearl and thought I'd embelish in my old love. I was kind of upset that the DS did NOTHING to improve the game play. Secondly, and mostly, I didn't know what the hell was going on. Some loser who calls him self the Pokemon Professor sends me on the same adventure as Ash Ketchum and gives me the choice of three really dumb looking pokemon. I go out into the fields and catch some random guys and use them and get my @$$ handed to me.

So my big thing is all these kids around are talking crap to me about these new pokemon games and I just want to limit it to a 151 battle and see who's the best, but they got these new over powered poke-mans that just boils my blood. You kids just remember, it was us guys, who're now 20-24 that brought you Pokemon to the states. Respect our lineage and experience because your new pokemon are the FAIL!