The Maker$ of COD 2 (xbox 360) owe me $ome Money! LoL
by LouSiffer on Comments
Ok so I'm just being a smart-alleck but today was quite funny. I went into my local game store to check on xbox 360 availability and fiddle around some more on thier demo model they have in store. There was some poor guy (ok not poor in the $ sense he WAS after all....) buying an xbox 360 for his kids shelling out money for the system and then shelling out even more money for accessories and then shelling out more money for what he had planned on being one or two games and thier related startegy guides. Then his kids saw me playing call of duty 2 on the xbox 360 demo and they became hypnotized as I went through blasting enemy soldiers and such. They began "o0o0o0ohing and awwwing" while I layed waste to soldier after soldier. The oldest of the two kids was I'd guess about 14-15 years old (boy) and he was asking me if I played alot of first person shooters and how I got so good yadda yadda yadda. (Kind of boosted my ego but then again who cares what others think of how good you are unless they are shooting at you, right? LOL) I told him I game online quite abit and with my friends in split screen alot. I told him about XBC and gave him my user name there and invited him to come get shot up some day. He got all excited and then proceeded to beg his dad for Call of Duty 2 in a most annoying manner. "Dad you gotta get me this game! This guys REALLY GOOD and if he's playing it it must be good!" (again blah blah blah) What he didn't realize is, sure COD 2 looks like it'll be a good game but the real reason I was playing it is it was the only FPS available on the demo. What I'd really have wanted to play wouyld have been Ghost recon 3 Advanced Warrior, but sadly thats not coming out for awhile. Basically what I'm trying to get at is, I was responsible forThe Game Makers of Call Of Duty 2 selling another game since I was unwittingly thier "salesman" by demoing the game, so...where's my $ ? LMAO j/k
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