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Survival Horror

I have just bought and am currently playing silent Hill: Homecoming and have to say that anyone who enjoyed any of the previous Hill games should definitley buy. I have been really dissapointed with the lack of Survival Horror titles on the current gen consoles and although there have been a few I don't think any are as good as this one.

Dead Space was excellent and I also enjoyed Alone In The Dark but other then that I can't think of any other decent Survival Horror titles. I know we have Resident Evil 5 to look forward too but again I am not as excited about that because I think it is turning into more of an action title then a true Survival Horror. I think that is why I am enjoying Silent Hill so much, because it hasn't changed too much since the first title, I mean don't get me wrong I think Resident evil 4 was outstanding, I am just a little disappointed that this 5th installment is again not going to feature creepy mansions or Zombies in the traditional sense.

Anyway my point is if you enjoyed the older Survival Horrors and are a fan of Silent Hill then you should at the very least give this game a rental. It's got a typical SH storyline, nice visuals and is probably one of the best survival Horror titles available at the moment.