If anyone here likes metal or metalcore music then you should definitely check these guys out because they are just starting to get big and the more fans the better!!! Click Here
I got this cd today (the day it came out) and from their single I wasn't really expecting much cause FOB's cd's have been getting worse since Take This to Your Grave (the best) but I was really surprised at how good the songs are. If you liked any of FOB's other cd's or singles then definitely get this cd. Thia defiitely has nothing to do with gaming but I thought I would just spread the word about a good cd haha.
I am addicted to these two games. I just recently got them but I have probably logged 10 hours on JUS and 5 or 6 on Bleach. Now I cant wait for Bleach DS 2nd to come out. I was mad you couldnt be any Bleach characters in JUS right from the start but now that I have my 6 koma Renji and Ichigo on one team I am really happy and cant stop playing....good times with the DS.
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