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Love_Vampire Blog

Congratulations! You're the most popular band of all time!

Finally after many hours of feet tapping, head nodding, blood, sweat and tears, I've beat the game for Rock Band Unplugged!! It was hard at first, getting used to the buttons because I was playing Patapon before but once you get into it, it was diffcult to stop. The game's got great music (although there are many songs I've never heard of) and the difficultly level is quite appropriate but Hard wasn't as diffciult as I had anticipated.. Anyways I wonder what's next..

Random first post

Finally I make my first post on the blog. Can you feel the excitment? I totally can. Anyway, I haven't really thought of what to talk about so I guess I'm just going to rant about stuff that's happened today - Yes the typical post, how boring.

SoI began playing Pokemon Ranger Almia recently. I was really looking forward to this game and probably because I was looking forward to it as much and expected it to be as cool as the previous one that I was a bit disappointed when I started playing. I guess its the whole "starting at a school to become a Ranger" story that I found rather standard. I just wanted to get into the action instead of slowly getting trained up. Of course the day will come where my character will graducate and become a Ranger so until that time comes, I shall write again on how it goes.