@validifyed: The story I think describe Lords of Cinder. Maybe the cycle has continued for a while and every chosen one fulfills th role of a new Lord of Cinder.
@andrew_ribbons The guy from Feedbackula got tired of pricks like you representing the "community" he thought he would find constructive criticism and logical opinions but instead as the show went on and on they only found morons who valued a score more than the review itself. The reading comprehension and general lack of maturity of those people is what killed the show.
What good is a game if it can't be played? The reviewer mentioned its strong points which will appeal to those who are interested in learning about another culture but those cons are too serious to ignore. Some morons here think that a review score is what matters, they probably didn't even read past the first paragraph.
The worse that can happen is that the world is huge but it doesn't feel alive and that there are only a few areas worth exploring. Also, the "endings" in the witcher 2 were blown out of proportion in the marketing department so that can also happen with this game. Even with that the game will not suck as we've already seen very long gameplay videos and it looks phenomenal.
Lpedraja2002's comments