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My Thoughts on Home

What Home needs is to go in a whole new direction. I am tried of seeing all these new personal spaces that we need to purchase furniture for. Here's a thought, how about you package the new personal space with the furniture? Or how about you let us rent the new space and if we like it we can buy it. You provide us with the rent feature but do not offer it in any of your products. Clearly, the demonstration videos of the new spaces are not enough since people complained before about the Paris space being misrepresented. Yes I am aware we can obtain free furniture items if we know where to look and participate in events. However, we should have the option to purchase a new space fully furnished. It seems each week we are receiving new personal spaces which is great (Lets us know that the Home Team is working hard to develop these spaces). Yet, at times I feel this is all we've been receiving these last few updates. More personal spaces and new clothing items in the mall. This is not expanding or enhancing our overall Home experience. The foundation of Home having an integrated and engaged community.

The numbers do speak from themselves and it is impressive that Home has over 10 million people logging in for 60 minutes as stated by Peter Dille: IGN interview I do have a question regarding the 60 minutes though. Does those 60 minutes include the user connecting to Home, loading the spaces, clothing items, etc?

I feel we are years away from the vision we as GAMERS had for Home. Clearly, there are numerous posts I have seen regarding impressive suggestions for Home. It's difficult to say if the Home Team is working on those ideas since they can't officially confirmed anything yet, but Home has become something most of us did not expect. As gamers, I can say confidently, we play at least once a day. Home should follow suit. Home should give us a reason to launch the service everyday. At this current stage, I can say without a doubt, it doesn't.

Home should make the experience seemliness. For example, game launching. Why on earth would I launch home, to use the game launch feature if it's not going to connect everyone to the same game room? It's like making a phone call to someone who is sitting right next to you. It is unnecessary to have this feature on all games since I can launch the game using In-Game XMB. It's really mind-bloggling that first-party games are not fully integrated with all the services Home has to offer. There should be no reason these games do not offer game launching, free items for purchasing the game, game space, avatars, etc. Give us the complete package First-Party Developers. Home is one of the best ways to connect developers with gamers who support their products. Home is clearly not doing a good job at bridging the two communities together. This is a good indication as to why Home and the PSN as a whole is not unified. I wonder if they you know why Google is an amazing service? Because all the services Google offers is unified. If you do a random search it will provide you with an answer within all of it services.

Sony is making huge strides in having a unified product offering as we all saw during CES 2010. Until Home becomes more integrated with the PSN, Home to me will always feel separated from the PS3 experience and just another facebook in 3d.

Your Thoughts

God of War Slurpee Cups - No Where to be Found -

I'm fortunate enough to have 2 7-11's by my house. For the past 2 days, I've stopped by the stores to see if they received the God of War Slurpee cups. Nothing yet. I really want one so if anyone has a 7-11 by them and they have the cups, would you be willing to purchase a cup for me and I'll buy it off you?

Resident Evil 5 what a dissapointment

I know I'm late to the scene with Resident Evil 5 but the game never caught my attention until my co-worker and I were talking about it. We decided to pick it up and play together online since we're probably the only two who haven't played teh game. We,ve been playing the game now sporadically I have to say I am slightly disappointed in the game. Nothing about it says Resident Evil except for the characters.

When I think about Resident Evil I think about the series on the PS1. The zombies who don't ride motorcycles or mount machine guns, ink ribbons which provided a challenge for saving the game which adds to the survival horror theme, the non-linearity of the game which provides you to actually think of what you have to do, etc. This game completely changes the formula. I can't believe Capcom took this game in this direction. The only two positive remarks I have for the game is the co-op and the graphics. The graphics really stand out and the co-op is a refreshing addition. I am all for an action game with half humans/zombies like enemies, but not name it Resident Evil for the sake of branding. This game has nothing to do with Resident Evil.

This is a similar case with Final Fantasy XII. I am a huge Final Fantasy Fan, I even tattoo Squall Griever on my arm, but FF12 was a dissappointment. This is a game that doesn't feel like final fantasy. However, since the name is famous lets slap the label onto this game and sell it.

I wouldn't have a problem with both games if they did not chose to name them after games that they clearly do not represent.

I am all for change, but if your going to change a game drastically, I think they could change the name of the game as well.

Your thoughts.

Dexter - The show that changed my TV life

I want to be clear when I say I barely watch television. While I was in college I barely had time to watch TV shows like 24, Heroes, Amercian Idol, Lost, etc. Now that I have been out of school for two years, I feel like I have to play catch up in order to see the new seasons of most of these shows. I still follow Law and Order SVU and found a new interest for Burn Notice. However, there is one show in particular that has changed my mind about ordering a premium channel like HBO, Cinemax, etc. That show is Dexter.

At my job, we would talk about various movies and TV shows. My co-workers would constantly talk about a show called Dexter. I've never heard about this show and my co-workers reccommend me to take some time and watch it. Boy were they right. This show is incredible. Within a week, I saw all 4 seasons and can't wait for the 5th. I don't want to give anything away about the show but all I will say it that TV needed a show like this, and I am glad Showtime delivers it. For Season 5, Showtime should look forward to my payments for the show.

I can provide details to the show, but for those who haven't seen or heard about it, here are the details to the show:


I'm curious to see your thoughts on the show.

Time for a change

It's been a very long time since I've used the blogging feature here on Gamespot. Moving forward, I will try my best to post 2 -3 times a week. I want to thank everyone on my friends list who actively share their stories either personal or gaming.

Expect to hear more from me next week as I will be providing a review of White Knight Chronicles. Is anyone excited for this game? FPS has saturated the video game market and I can't wait to play another RPG on the PS3.

- LpSquall

The impact of in-game xmb and trophies

I don't know if people realize the impact these two features are going to cause in the playstation world of gaming.

In-game xmb is possibly one of the most requested features for the PS3. When Sony decides to finally release this Firmware update, gaming as we know it on the PS3 is going to change forever. No longer will we need to quit a game to view a message. No longer will we need to play music from an external audio device such as an ipod or radio to listen to music while we play. No longer will we need to phone you friend to setup a game online. These are a few things I have experienced thus far without the in-game xmb.

Trophies is something else that we are overlooking at the moment. Granted it is quite obvious how the system will work but Sony has been quoted in saying that they plan to change the way we obtain these trophies/accomplishments. As stated, older games such as Heavenly Sword for example is going to have trophy support. I just hope Sony is able to implement a way to let developers update their games with saved game files which unlock trophies we already should of had. That way I don't have to replay the game all over again to obtain trophies.

XBOX360 fans beware because they will no longer have the advantage over PS3 gamers. Gaming as we know it on the PS3 is going to change, and this time its for the better.

Ideas for home

I am one of the lucky beta testers for home and I am a little concerned with this project. At the current stage, Home is obviously not ready for a public open beta release and I believe Sony needs to make sure they implement their promised features before releasing Home. For instance, one of their promised features is the game launching which they did implement in the beta but it doesn't work. Why did it work in the E3 demo but not in the release for the beta?

Anyway, in addition to features Sony is working on I have come up with a list of features I think Sony should add to enhance our experience in Home.

One of the features I think Sony needs to add is a "MySpace" profile system for PSN members where we can add games we have, who is in our friends list, saving high scoring moments, read blogs, post pictures and allow video playback, etc. In addition, to allow users to view other peoples profiles they could enter an internet cafe which allows us to view their page or having a PC at home. Furthermore, it could be accessible out side of home via your own PC by going to their website ex.www.lpsquall.psn.com.

Another feature I think Sony should add to Home integrating High Stakes Poker and High Velocity Bowling. I own both these games and if Home is going to have bowling for free why not use the bowling from High Velocity.

Another feature that would be interesting is having gamerooms for every online game thats available. For instance, you can warp to differents sections in Home ie: Movie Theatre. I think it would be cool to warp to lets say Warhawk room. And the room is all setup Warhawk theme. They could have a screen displaying an intense game or something. Posters to new add-ons, video tips, etc. In addition, they could offer you the option to join a game similiar to how you join an online game now in Warhawk.

Finally, for now I think it would be cool if they integrate the PSN Store into a mall. How cool would it be to enter a mall and shop for whats in the PSN store?

Thoughts? Comments??

My Take on the Wii

My cousin was a fortunate individual to purhase a Nintendo Wii.  Since I own a PS3 I tried to be as fair as possible when comparing the Wii to the PS3.  My conclusion; it can't be done.  It is impossible to compare the PS3 and the Wii. 

The Wii is in a league of its own.  Whether good or bad it is honestly up to the person playing.  So here is my breakdown of the system.  The Wii design is very small and stylish which I really like.  The controller however is where my problem lies.

At first it is very difficult to control the system however, after playing for a while its not too bad.  I did feel my heart race every time someone moved the controller really fast because I thought it was going to fly off their hands.  In addition, having to keep the control steady is not an easy task to do.  While playing Red Steel, the controller has to be very steady to keep the gun pointed in the right direction.  In my test of Zelda I was expecting a masterpiece.  My take, didn't play but has the qualities of a masterpiece however, the graphics looked horrible.  Not that I take graphics into a huge consideration because I still play NES games, for a next gen, everything is so blurry.  Now I have heard that using a component cable may fix this issue, for now I will go with what I have seen and played. 
More to come...