Since March started, I've had the free time to catch up on gaming and see what was in store - first game that was brought to my attention: Resident Evil 5. I wanted to get some feedback on it first. Some people I knew who played the demo said things like how it was frustrating that you couldn't move and shoot at the same time, to me, I thought of it as a way to add more tension to the player so it didn't seem that bad to me so far. They then told me that RE lost its tradition 'zombies at night/true horror' feel. Now before RE5, I had never played an RE Title so I obviously had to look for when in the series they switched from zombie to parasite controlled being. Skip ahead to when I bought it and to be honest I was really into it. Visuals and storyline really impressed me, the gameplay was adaptable, the actors really put their emotion into the voice acting (especially Wesker's), and at some point I jumped whenever I saw some death scenes (I still avoid close combat with Chainsaw Majini whenever I can :P) Once I finished the game on Normal, I headed straight to Veteran, overall, I really enjoyed it, it was an 8.5 for me. I've still got professional to finish but I took a break and moved on.
The next game I played was the upcoming Pokemon Platinum. At first I thought was: 'Eh, it's gonna be another repetitive adventure, another Emerald' but after buying it and going through it about 4 weeks ago, I feel right and wrong about it. I just beat the Pokemon League and my team's in its mid-70s right now and so far, it's still got me playing. They've really improved since Emerald and now this game actually makes use of its graphics and use of physics. A lot of the events changed, dialogue re-written and more action since its predecessor. I'm not sure about what I'd rate it yet, but it's smooth so far.
And just recently was Assassin's Creed. My godmother gave it to me as a birthday gift and I just finished it a few hours ago. This was something that made me want more. The storyline tied together and had its dramatic moments and metaphors that got me thinking about what was next, Ubisoft Montreal really took the time and care with the visuals and historical accuracy, along with scientific facts I wanted to learn more about. The only downside was what everyone else saw as a downside: repetitive gameplay - from the assassination sequences to the investigation missions, it all seemed the same every now and then. It's still a winner to me, and it only makes me more impatient for Assassin's Creed II. This was a pretty solid 9 for me, especially if a story like this comes up. Yeah, the last 2 months really went by fast, and I really enjoyed each game :D They really show how far gaming has gone and how far it can go. I'm anticipating a lot of fresh games coming up, AC2, COD: MW2, etc. Sounds like the last quarter of the year's bright, but we gotta wait and see.
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