Lt8653 / Member

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A few little updates for you all ^^

Well Hi there guys and gals hope you're all holding up well, and all is cheery at this time of the year :)
Well I thought i'd fill you all in on a few things i've done since my last post, so here goes?

First off I went to see Paramore yesterday in Manchester, and long story short they were super awesome, I got loads of videos, mainly of Hayley ;) but it's a shame my phone sucks something rotten and all the quality is poor otherwise i'd share a few with you guys =[
But no really enjoyed myself, and I actually adore Hayley even more now, she's even more beautiful in the flesh than I ever imagined ;) Now i'll move on, i'm not obsessed with her honest :D
They were supported by 'YouMeAtSix' who if i'm honest, I wasn't a great fan of going into this, but I have to say i've really changed my opinion on them, as they're fantastic live, created a real buzz before the 'main event' or so to speak. Funny how bands sound nothing like stuff on their CD's and yet are so much better for it!
There was another two supporting bands who's names for the life of me I can't remember, one was called 'PaperRoute' I think? Ah well i'm not sure, but really enjoyed my night, as I got the tickett last minute off a friend who had a spare ^^

Ermmm on the gaming front, well havn't had tonns of time to game recently, but i've tried to get some 'good work' in as it where ;) lets see, I'm slowly improving on MW2, although saying that I had a really bad dozen games or so a few days back last time I played, but I managed to rack up a nice 44K-4D score which I was proud of, and then followed by a nive 38K-0D which took my highest killstreak from 25 to 38 :) Ermmm i think my K-D ratio is something like 1.54 now, not fantastic but hey, it could be worse right?
And thats all i've really played recently I guess? Oh no hang on I lie to you i'm afraid! I actually started my DragonAge:Origins again anddd i'm almost up to where I was before in half the time so no damage done I guess ^o)
Oh right yeah, I also downloaded a few demos, Bayonetta whichhh is okay at best I suppose, having an 'attractive' lead character is probably the only thing the game had going for it out of the ordinary, combat was frustrating and was a hack and slash button masher pretty much....Saying that I love the Dynasty Warriors series :P
Also downloaded fairytale fights, which blew ass big time i'm affraid, can you even pass that off as a demo? You're trying to sell the thing to me actually make an effort with your demo! Yes the kills are kinda funny at times with heads, arms and legs flying all over the place, but the white room is just boring, doesn't show off your games potential i'm afraid (N)

I guess thats all i've got to tell you guys?..
Oh hang on a sec, it's comming back to me I think?
I may start with my top 5 lists again, noticed a few of you doing those, like top 5 of the year so I may tag along if y'all don't mind!?If you do, write me and post your complaints to...
Well i'm not gonna tell you where I live...unless you're dead curious like ;)

But no.
I'm mumbling.

I do that often...So.

Yep on that bouncing bombshell I hope you all got a small amount of joyment from my blog at least, and if not how can I make you smile, I can do a number of things to cheer you guys up?
Okay thanks guys much appreciated as usual, thanks a bunch :)

P.S - Sorry for not replying to you guys on my last blog post I thought i'd say thanks very much to all of you who read it and interacted with me now. So thanks guys really do appreciate it, take care ^^
