Yup, so I bought myself 3 new games today with my first wage packet, I deserved a treat as I hadn't bought a game in a long time!
Okay so i guess you're wondering what I got eh? Well i'll tell you!! Well the first game I picked up was Final Fantasy 7 : Dirge of Cerberu. I've wanted this game for ages now and I finally got it so woo! First impressions are good, yes its a helluva lot differant from other final fantasies but its quite good!
The second game I got was Dragon Ball Z : Budokai Tenkaichi 2, simply because it looks pretty cool haha (Y) First impressions are again good, fast paced fighting, and you can fly, doesn't get much better than that?
And last, but certanly not least, is S.T.A.L.K.E.R : Shadow of chernobyl, and I love this game already, its so freaky, and its a sandbox game which I like. Pretty creepy when its slinging it down with rain and you've got mutated dogs and hat not running after you haha.
Yup so thanks for reading guys, 'till next time.