Wow I havn't blogged in such a long time, and it seems like I promised you guys a humungous blogg about stuff eh...
Welll I dunno if thats gonna happen, because well, even though lots and lots has happened in my life since then, not a lot of it is 'brag-worthy', even though some of it as been on a level of unexplainable awesomeness (Tom knows what i'm talking about haha ;)) it's not really for here *ahem* Anyway you probably get the picture.
But no, I thought it'd be polite to write a quick blog, to let you all know i'm still alive and visiting the site ^^
Welll here is my lovely halloween costume, yes it's Tigger....and yes it's scary! :P And as you'll also see, my friends didn't dress up...even though they said they would :D Non the less they got called boring, and the amount of random peoples photo's i've ended up in, is unreal :D
As you can see I was very scary ;)
Andddd as you can also see, my friends are very boring :D
Okay so thats all for now folks, but I will be back on a more regular basis with little blogs like this to let you know how things are going, i'm just really swamped at the moment.
Thanks for reading guys and gals!