Well yes folks its that time of the week again, and this weeks installment is all about my top 5 gaming; playable, characters of all time. So without further delay, lets go!
Number 5 - Chris Stone
Now unfortunately for Chris his game; Freedom Fighters, just missed out on my top 5 list as it was a pipped at the post by Dark Chronicle, but non the less Freedom Fighters is a brilliant game! (Check out my review)
Anyway onto the man himself. Chris is your everyday run of the mill plumber until....WTF crazy Russians capture his brother and take over America, not very likely I know but bare with me. Anyway Chris then decided to fight against the reds and goes underground, literally the sewers, to build up a freedom fighters army and beat the Reds out of America.
The main reason for me why Chris is such a good lead character is because he's like your everyday guy and then has to fight for his country, which is kinda patriotic, and not to mention he gives one of the greatest in game speeches of all time, for those of you who've played it its the one at the TV station, its Epic!
Number 4 - Sir Daniel Fortesque
Sir Dan is from the brilliant game Medievil if you didn't know, which again just missed out on my top 5 games list anyway, a bit more about Dan himself.
Fortesque was a promising young army officer but was shot in the eye by the first wave of arrows in the battle of Gallowmere, bad luck if I do say so myself! So after a long time has past his arch enemy a Sorcerer named Zarok, decides to cause a bit of havoc shall we say, and in the midst of all this chaos Sir Dan is resurrected and gets a second chance at becoming a hero, instead of a laughing stock!
What makes him so likable is that you can really feel this one eyed skeletons pain, and even more unlucky for him his bottom jaw has fallen off leaving him unable to talk properly, just mumbling, thanks to the subtitles you know what he's saying haha!
Number 3 - Tombi/Tomba
Yes so Tombi enters the chart at the same place as his game did, thats surely worth a round of applause right?
Anyway, whats not to like about Tombi he's got cool pink hair!!!...
Yeah but Tombi will always be one of my most memorable playable characters, simply because of nostalgia, curse you nostalgia.
Anyway Tombi goes on a mission to get his grandpas bracelet back from some evil pigs that stole it, far-fetched right? Yes but thats why Tombi and his game are so enjoyable. On Tombi's journeys you'll notice he does a lot of strange things like, bites dwarves heads to learn their language, plays a game of hide and seek with an annoying brat named Yan, meets an hundred, a thousand, a ten thousand and a million, yes a million year old man! And if thats not bizarre enough for you I dare you to find something stranger?
Number 2 - Klonoa
Lets hear it for the runner up! Well done Klonoa!Now some of you may be asking, WTF how did this guy beat Tombi and some of the other great characters? Well i'll tell you how!Now Klonoa for me was a great character to play as, he's just so errrr, adorable? Anyway enough of that, I really just feel for this guy, for those of you who have played the first, and second game for that matter, how many heartbreaks and disappointments can this guy take without going insane? I don't really want to tell you the bad things that happen to him as it might spoil the games for you if you haven't played 'em, another question is why haven't you played 'em?!
Another thing I liked about this guy is that the character design fits in with the game so well, I mean a flying dog thingy, just genius!
Number 1 - Cloub Strife (Obviously lol)
Yes even though most, if not all of you saw this coming Cloud Strife is my favorite playable character of all time.
Cloud was such an interesting character to play as, because all the way through the game you're finding new things out about this guy and his past, and the massive number of issues he has!
Some of you may be thinking, just another FF7 fanboy, well yes thats probably true, but how many of you can honestly say that this is not an interesting lead character, if you've played through the game you'll struggle to disagree with me even if you don't like the game.
Another likable feature about him is the big sword he wields at the very beginning of the game, named the Buster Sword, its not very good but has turned into a gaming icon.
Like Klonoa, Cloud also has many heartbreaks through the game, and when you discover things about his past your opinion on him changes quite a lot, but thats what makes him such a good Hero/lead character.
Thank you all so much for reading, I really appreciate you taking your time to look at my blog.Thanks guys!
P.s - Next week look forward? to my top 5 NPC ;)Until then!