Thanks Azure goes.
1. The first game I can remember as a kid was 'Alex the Kid' And I remember my mom completing it, how cool is that!
2. I've had a lot of nicknames in my time, but the ones my friends seem to use is 'Tommo' even though I hate it....makes me sound like a chav!! :(
3. The only film that has evermade me cry is 'the green mile' still makes me cry to this day haha, 'cause i'm all manly like that ;)
4. First gameI fully completed (or at least remember doing so) was Tombi back in 1999, I was so happy, still one of my all time best games to this day...even though i can finish it in just over an hour now :)
5. In gaming frustration I have broke a total of 6...yes 6 pads, I realise thats a lot of money, what can i say I don't like to lose :S
6. One game which no one would ever beat me on, EVER, is Timesplitters2, you may think you're good, but honestly, i'm so much better, I am the best in the world. End of :) (I'm not even been sarcastic here!)
7. i have been in love, which I would highly reccomend, but would also advise you to prepare for a broken heart, it hurts like hell.
8. I'm a sucker for a 'rock chick', they might not be everyones cup of tea, but I just melt around 'em muhaha :D
9. I've been told i'm a good kisser, at least i'm good at something!...bwhaha.
10. The way to my heart is to make me laugh, if you can do that, you're in my good books!
11. Saddest thing in my life so far (excluding a broken heart) is when my dog died when i was 17 (2 years ago) we had him 10 years, he was like a best friend, cried a lot when we had to get him put to sleep :(:(
12. I don't care what people think of me, love me or hate me, it's your choice ;)
13. I put myself down a lot, have low self esteem...the works! it's rare for me to complement myself :D
14. i enjoy my music loud whilst driving my car, i also enjoy 'singing' along to it aswel ;)
15. Lets see, last but not least. I have a radiculous sense of humour, i'll laugh at the most bizzare things, most of the time i'll be the only one finding it funny, but i get hysteric very easily :D
Well hope you all 'enjoyed' my pain there haha. (Thanks again Azure!!)
Well it's my turn to punis....pass on the tagging, so I tag DARK_KNIGHT6, NIKKI-NO-CREDIT, SHIBEN and KAIM_I.
Thanks a bunch guys.