WARNING : This is going to be a massive rant, if you don't like rants don't read, if you're easily offended don't read haha.
Right, where on earth do I begin, let's see, how about the god awful press. Well the press are probably to blame for 90% of the world's problems. Its there fault there's a recession, they tell us to be miserable and not spend money so we don't!!! Fact of the matter is, if the press didn't broadcast all this bad news, we'd be non the wiser, or at least not let it effect us too much. Let me ask you this, when does the press ever report on good things??? Very rarely, and you know why, because good news doesn't sell, is not right, and we must take some form of action against it.
Again with the press, they are INCREDIBLY fickle, it is quite laughable really. I won't name names, or newspapers but lets see an example here, jade goody. All of the tabloids and news programmes, after the Big Brother 'incident' were calling her a racist and horrible, a pig, etc etc. But now she has cancer the tables have turned, they're all like brave jade this, our best mate jade that, and I'm like ''what the hell happened here, you were on her case a month ago, you fickle, fickle people'' Don't get me wrong, cancer is a horrible disease and I would not wish it upon anyone in the world, and I send my best wishes out to jade and her family, and I really hope she makes a full recovery, that's the honest truth, but the fact of the matter is, she's not the only person with cancer, young children have cancer, old people have cancer, lots and lots of people have cancer, unfortunate, but true. I just wish the press would make up there mind. it also makes me laugh how they're always on Clarkson's, and Jonathan Ross' case for saying things they should, then you turn the page and its a story about how asylum seekers are taking 'our' jobs?? Really fickle, it frustrates the hell out of me.
Right now I shall move on to our 'leaders' if they can call themselves that. I live in England as most of you probably know, and I am a proud Englishman, and I love my country and heritage, as every person should love their country, but some of the things our leaders allow make me hang my head in shame. Question one, why is St. George's day not a nation holiday?? This IS England, and he is our saint(And before you try and be smart i know St. George wasn't actually English but still) And the best reason they come up with is that ''it may offend minorities living here''. To me that's a disgrace, I have no problem with any walks of life or any that live in the Uk, but we should be allowed to celebrate our nations day and hang our flags without been considered offensive, it makes m sad .For example, why do we keep putting people in charge who don't have a clue what they're doing?? Don't get me wrong I think Mr. Brown has been very unlucky with all the bad things that have happened under his time at the head, but I think we need to take a leaf from America's books and get some young, influential person in charge of the place. And so God help me if Cameron gets in change of the place, I'll have to leave the country. Now our 'leaders' lead us into an pointless war in Iraq. Who honestly believed ''oh, we've got to stop Sadam, and those warheads!!''.... Well if you did you're VERY gullible I'm afraid, we all know the forces moved in for that oil, after all its worth a lot of money! Do you really think they'd send that many troops to take out one man?...Point proved. C'mon people, let's get our guys and gals out of there, there is pointless loss of life on both sides, all for a bit of oil? Really we should be ashamed. Hopefully, Obama will see this and get them out of there, and Britain, being the lapdog we are, will shortly follow.
Now here's an interesting one, today at work, me and a colleague were discussing whether there is life out there in space, we both agreed there was. We then moved on to question whether they had visited us and abducted certain people, again we agreed they had. But the most shocking thing we agreed on was that why these Aliens never landed, or made us aware of their existence, and its because they must be thinking ''Wow look at those humans, fighting and killing one another, backstabbing constantly, the world is a mess, we'll come back when they've taken each other out' Fact is why would any other races want to meet us? Are we really a desirable race? I'd say we need to step back as a world whole, and take a long hard look at ourselves, the place is a mess.
Phewwwww, i can breathe now!!! Massive rant for you all to read there, is it me getting the wrong end of the stick or am i making sense here?
Thank you guys so much for reading, let me know what you think....if you made it this far ;)