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#1 LtReviews
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This is much different than accepting charity from strangers for funding educational studies- he has stage 2 Pancreatic Cancer- next to brain cancer, this is the most deadliest form of cancer in existence, with the lowest survival rate. If anyone didn't have the money for this, of course they'd seek help.

His friends are running the charity. He himself is raising money for his treatment by making and selling amazing custom clothing and crafts, which can be purchased on his website:

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#2 LtReviews
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I realize there is a topic that addresses this titled "crowdfunding healthcare"- however, all the posts in that thread are political. So please, if you have feelings on the political nature of what's happening, put them in that thread, not this one.

There's not many creative, talented, a good-spirited people in the world. They just aren't qualities that appear often in people. So it's especially damaging when we lose one of these people to cancer- for no other reason than horrible luck.

I can see on this message board there's alot of passion surrounding the health-care debate.

If the same passion we directed towards changing health-care policy could be applied to helping the people actually directly affected by the health-care system, this man would have the cancer treatment he needs right now.

There's definitely a political discussion to be had, but it's not going to help David.

If you want to help this man, you can donate here:

If you have no spare money to donate, you can still help by spreading the word and sharing the link. Any little bit helps!

Spread this to any other forums you participate in, your facebook, twitter, friendster (lol jk), or whatever. It would say alot about a community if it really comes together to help someone in their time of need.

once again, the link to where you can donate is HERE:

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#3 LtReviews
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Harddrive memory limitations of the Wii U do alot to convince developers to release all DLC already on the disk and unlcocked for the Wii U versions. Especially because Wii U owners are less likely to look online for DLC and games than owners of other systems. So I'm expecting it will come included on the Wii U, but not for other systems.

But its not really reason for jealousy. There is no way I'm going back to even the multiplayer for this game, whether I got the DLC free or not. I have Natural Selection 2, which is enough.

And patches won't fix everything that is wrong with the single player campaign.

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#4 LtReviews
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If we have truly gotten to the point where "good" means 'bad" and "great" means "'s alright", than we deserve crappy games.

A game can't seem to get a 7 without complaints. God forbid a game ever gets below a 7, which would be "fair". I've never seen an industry that makes products that are good over 90 percent of the time, what makes games an exception?

Also, Darkness II, if I beat the game in 5 hours, I would give it a 5. I'm not paying 50 dollars for 5 hours.

As for Diablo III. I wouldn't be suprised if it is crap given it is made from the ground up to be a cash-cow as opposed to a real game.

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#5 LtReviews
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Well, your list is composed of games that are difficult to everybody but players that specialize in them.

BFBC 2; the game requires an enourmous amount of situational awareness. Players who are used to any other FPS will definitely have a low K/D ratio for a while- it takes getting used to. One simple tip; when running across a road, or any opening where there is a chance you may get shot, WAIT for someone else to run in front of you. If they get killed (and in Battlefield, its always likely) than you know not to run there, and sometimes you can even kill the guy that shot him if he was spotted before getting the kill. Follow people all the time, and eventually you will intuitively know danger/safe. It isn't a problem with skill, its experience.

As for fighting games, they cater to people with fast reflexes and a good memory. You can naturally not have fast reflexes, and you can't really gain them. I'm sure you can get faster, but to this day I can't play competitive fighting games because I just can't react fast enough. I don't have slow reflexes, but I find the people playing fighting games often are very fast. It also requires an immense amount of memorization for combos in certain games, and I just don't have the time or will for that.

If by CS you mean counter-strike. It's an old game, and was imensely popular. Nowadays it is only the ultra-devotional or once-hardcore CS players. They are all freakishly good. Alot are also freakishly geeky. For some reason, CS has more hackers than any other game I played.

Modern Warfare: Call of Duty is incredibly biased to good players, kill streaks heavily outweigh death streaks. Also, good players will find other good players to team up with and stack a team, filling it many times. PLayers who aren't skilled often don't play as much anyway, and so don't seek out regular teamates. Thus the naturally unbalanced gameplay combines with the unbalanced nature of competition to make it seemingly hard. I just camp the whole time, works great.

RTS games are filled with players who memorized to the last detail their strategies, they've spent ALOT of time, and ALOT of games, and probably started out losing ALOT. These are the people who are undetterred by frustration, because there is nothing more frustrating than losing in an RTS game. Well thought out tactics appear to new players as "cheap" and "unfair" when in fact, the game is built around them. RTS junkies and hardcore gamers make multipalyer unbearable to newcomers. I used to be good at Dawn of WAr, but expansions kept coming out, so I got tired of learning new strategies.

I don't have time to get good at these. I have a select few mp games I'm good at, the rest is single player. You are probably like me in that you like games, but don't have a huge amount of time to set aside for practice

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#6 LtReviews
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pretty much i have a game stuck in the system my power brick does not work so theirs no power going to the console is it still possible to open the disk trey with a paper clip even though theirs no power running through the console


This happened to me.

Since my warrenty expired, I had to take things into my own hands. I took apart everything till I got to the disk mechanism, I took some laptop duster spray, cleaned out all the dust everywhere. Then power it up (you'll have to buy a new power chord I supposed) and keep opening and closing it with the disk mechanism outside of the console itself. For me, I kept opening and closing to make sure all the dust was out, then I put it back together. Now it works fine, and with the dust out it actually makes less noise.

I tried this "paper clip" trick, but couldn't get it to work. I believe you have to have the power on to even try though.

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#7 LtReviews
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Need a little advice here- since i'm working on a RE4 review and a deadspace review.

I'm still unsure as to whether RE4 is considered survival horror because it wasn't scary 95 percent of the time.

How scary a game is- is a bit to subjective to say for certain, and hallmarks of the survival horror genre have been thrown away lately (clunky movement, changing camera angle, scarcity of all items, etc)

So, what qualities do games need to be considered in the "survival horror" sub-genre?

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#8 LtReviews
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If playing video games makes you cool, than I'm Miles Davis

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#9 LtReviews
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Mirror's Edge

Not because it was a horrible game (though it certainly wasn't great), but it is very easy to tell the devs did not test play it through properly, that is always a cause of frustrating trial-and error games.

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#10 LtReviews
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That depends. I'm all for originality, but sometimes devs take ideas from other games, and then use it to improv, or at least make a good mix of proven ideas..

Some examples:

Legend of Zelda + God of War + DMC = Darksiders

Resident Evil 4 = Dead Space