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Lt_Roy_Mustang Blog

E3 2010 How Awesome is it?

Now this years E3 is exactly what Nintendo needed after last years God Awful conference. With the 3DS, a slew of 3DS games (both original, and remakes), a return to form with classics like DK and Kid Icurus, more footage of the new Zelda, and the lack of crappy add-ons I'm looking at you Vitality sensor, its easy to see Ninty came out on top this year.

Having said that Sony also came in a very close second with theirs, what with the Move and how it works with games that don't look like crappy Wii Ware knock offs, a strong showing ofthird and first party games, that Portal 2 announcement, and of course, the highlight of the whole thing, Kevin Butler, a man of the Gamers.

Microsoft, suck it you came in last, Kinect looks fun, but the games are glorified Wii games, and they didn't even work well on the Wii. Still looking forward to Gears 3 though.

My E3 Impressions

Well so far I can thoroughly say I am impressed with E3 this year. I like all the annoucements for games coming this year as well as years to come. I am excited to know Animal Crossing is coming this year and I glad to see holidays are back in full swing again. Also the new Wii Sports and Wii Music will be great for when me and my friends get together.

The PS3 has a good line up this year and, IMO had the best showing of all three companies, with MAG, DC Online, Home (if it ever comes), and more of LBP. I also liked Microsoft's from yesterday, and i am looking forward to Fallout 3, GeoW 2, and most definatly Fable 2, but as far as FFXIII going to X-Box, who cares, FXI was on PC and X-Box, plus we all know X-Box doesn't do well with RPG's, (Blue Dragon, Phantasy Star Universe, Lost Odessy, Eternal Sonata. These may have been good games, but how well did they sell?)

Anyway, I think this year will be great and hope there are more surprises in store for us in 08 and 09.

Goodbye Jeff

so long Jeff you will be missed and I'm sure that many people will miss you, as for CNET and Edios, nice to know that when people do what they are paid to do get fired when they express their honest opinions and don't tailor to the needs of money hungry companies.

viva el Jeff.

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New Video Posted

There a new video that I posted about the Naruto PS3 game, and honestly I'm shocked that no one had posted it yet. Then again I didn't even find out about it until a few weeks ago, thanks to Rise of a Ninja. Here's the link, since I can't get the embeded video to work. Naruto PS3

Anime English Dubs

Ok first before I start let me just say that I'm a huge Anime fan and I love several animes both in English and in Japanese. I'm only posting this to state my opinion on the people that say ALL English dubs are horrible or can't compare to the origanal Japanese version.

The primary focus of my rant is directed at Naruto, I will also point at several other animes as examples. Most people all say that the English Naruto dub is bad but when you really look at it from an unbiased opinion, it's no where near as bad as people say. I can understand most of the complaints like the "Believe it" at the start of the series or how they don't say all the titles like -kun, -chan, or other of that sort, but the thing you need to remember is that they need to make the phrases they say in English match as best as they can and still contain the same relative feeling.

Also as far as the titles go (-kun, -chan) those are Japanese titles not English titles, they are in no why part of their actual name and as such should not be included, you're lucky the even included the sensai part when ever they address a teacher.

Now before you go and say I don't understand or you have no idea how bad it is, I do. I've seen the English dub all the way through to where it's at now, as well as 3/4 of the series in Japanese, including the shippuden episodes up to the Ebisu battle with Chiyo-Sama, (no idea if thats spelled right) and personally I do prefer the Japanese version since I've seen so much, the English voices don't sound right to me, but it's not that it's bad, it's that I'm used to it this way which is why I believe most people hate the English dub.

Now GOOD examples of English dubs would be the masterpieces by Watanabe, Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo. Both of these shows are some of the best animes that I've ever seen. They have a solid story, and unbeatable soundtrack, and an unbelieveable voice cast. Steven Jay Blum is the best in both shows and really makes the characters seem believeable. Also Dragonball and DBZ both have English dubs that have voice actors that seem to match the personality of the characters better, in my opinion anyway.

However I'm not saying all anime's that get bashed on their English counterparts are good, far from it. For example, One Piece, when I first saw this show in English I that it was the dumbest anime I ever saw, I watched several episodes and noticed how completely stupid and how horrible it was with the stupid, corny jokes, idiotic conversations and other things. However, I then went and watched one in Japanese, and instantly in one the first five or ten minutes, I knew the English truly was crap in comparison.

So what I guess I'm saying is this, English dubs of shows aren't always as bad as everyone says, some are and some aren't, but as far as Naruto it may not be entirely true to the Japanese version, but its as close as an American version will get. Besides it could be worse, Naruto could have been like One Piece, and thank God Funimation got it now. Since thay have proven with DBZ they have no problem going back and completely redoing a show with new actors and lines.

Kingdom Hearts 3 Theories

What we know before hand.
1. Ansem Report 0 revealed that Xehanort had lost his memory prior to meeting Ansem the wise.
2. Xehanort had two sides, a heartless and a nobody, which were a result from experiments while under Ansem the Wise's supervision.
3. Sora has no memory of who he is prior to washing ashore on Destiny Islands where he lived with Kari's family.
1. When a person's heart is removed, their memory is also removed.
2. Xehanort's name, much like the other Nobodies, is an anagram for No Heart X.
1. Riku reveled that there are more types of key blade disciplines. Light and Twilight are the first two, with Dawn as a new, and Dusk a possible fourth.
2. The four Key-bearers are Sora Key-bearer of Twilight, Mickey Key-bearer of Light, Riku Key-bearer of Dawn, and Kari Key-bearer of Dusk.
3. The hearts of all the worlds are connected to Kingdom Hearts, as well as to Mickey's Castle. Each world can be directly affected by Kingdom Hearts, and he who possesses it.
KH2 "Special ending movie"
These words flash across the screen at the end, similar to the first game.
1. Ansem Report 8 & 9 - Ansem Report 8 talks about Xehanorts machine that creates Heartless, while 9 has a line that may hold great significance to the trailer. The line reads "The Keyblade is said to hold phenominal power. One legend says it's weilder saved the world while another says that he wrought chaos upon it. I must know what this keyblade is. A key opens doors..."
2. Master of KeyBlade - Could refer to Sora or even the first person in the video. The first man in the video also could be Sora's father. An image reveals that under his mask, he looks similar to Sora/Roxas, but it isn't since a press release from the creators revealed he wasn't.
(This Picture features a Chaser with his mask broken.)
3. The Lost Two - Could possibly refer to Sora since he lost his memory, as well as one other, either Riku, Roxas, or more likely Xenanort.
4. Chasers - The three people in the suits of armor are called chasers, they are the guardians of Kingdom Hearts. Each is a division of the three types of Key-bearers, Light, Twilight, and Dawn. Each of which approach from a different path at the crossroads, possibly a symbol for the different paths of the Key-bearers. The first two appear to be men while the third seems to be more feminine.
The three key-blades that appear in the center of the crossroads look like, from left to right, Kairi's, King Mickey, and Riku's. And the fact that Sora's Twilight key doesn't appear, might also hint to links with Xehanort. 5. 5. Memory of Xenohart - Xenanort possibly lost his memory after a fight with the Chasers. He fought with them to gain access to Kingdom Hearts, so he can control all other worlds with it. He was the fourth person approaching the crossroads in the movie.
Sora could have lost his memory at the same time as Xenanort, and is somehow connected to his memories, which is why he captured Sora and attempted to remove his memory, but when it didn't work, he replaced Sora's memory and set him on a path that could help him regain his memories.
6. The Keyblade war - This is either a prelude of what to come, or something that already happened. This would explain the hundreds of Key-blades gathered at the crossroads. Also this could support the idea that in the Ansem Reports, it is said that the Key-blade was used to saved the world, but could also be used to destroy it.
7. The final text says, "It all begins...with birth by sleep."
This is very unknown, some believe it is another kind of Nobody or a story created while Sora was asleep for one year.

My Theory as far as a Story
The story is about Xehanort, and how he is conected to Sora. He was or he had killed the Chaser of Twilight after learning the truth about Kingdom Hearts and the power it has. The other three chasers then came forth to try and stop him. During the fight, they knew they could not stop him, so they did the next best thing, they erased his memory by removing his heart, so that he would not be able to return. However in order to ensure that Xehanort could not retrieve his memory, they hid his memories or the location of his heart, in the Chaser Leader's son, Sora. Xehanort later discovered this after his training with Ansem the Wise, which is why he kidnaped Sora and slowly took apart Sora's memories, to find his own. But this failed since Sora also lost his memory and he was unable to find it, so he returned Sora's memory and sent him down a path that might help Sora to discover his own, and later Xehanort's, this plan also included faking his own death at the hands of Sora and Riku.

Reguarding the chasers and the Crossroads, of course the middle one, the Chaser of Light was Sora's father; the Female Chaser (one on right), the Chaser of Dawn, could be Riku's mother, since I don't remember if they ever talk about her; the Final Chaser, the Chaser of Dawn, could be Kairi's Father since only her mother lived with her on Destiny Islands. Each chaser guarded one secret to the opening the final door of Kingdom Hearts, and all four would needed to be known to open it. Each of the four guarded the path to the world where the secret was held. Xehanort was either the Fourth or killed the fourth and learned its secret. Also the crossroads was the location of the greatest war the world had ever known, The key-blade war, a war in which the Chasers fought against a former hero who now sought only to destroy and to gain ultimate power for himself, in the process he created Kingdom Hearts to control the hearts of the other worlds. So after he was defeated, the four remaining chasers then decided to build a door to lock away the power forever on the battlefield where it was made.

My Wii Code

I know I don't get a lot of new people to come and look at my profile so those that do, and have a Wii, add me to your friends. Don't forget to Private Message me here on Gamestop if you do.

Console Name - Moose Man

Wii Console - 7041-2677-8026-7820

Halloween Tricks and Pranks

This is the story of my last year of Halloween as Narrated by my good fried Eric.

Yeah I know Halloween was a long time ago. But I promised someone I'd do this so God help me I'm doing it.

As a part of my final year at Mt. View, I decided I wanted to go trick o' treating with friends before I graduate. So I went to ask one of my supposed friends, Steven Gillette. His response:
"No, dude."
"We're way too old for that."
"Are you kidding?"
"Y'know what, just for suggesting that I'm going to stab you in the face."
"I am Lucifer, I will eat your soul!"

Ok maybe not the last two but you get the gist of it. Rejected but not defeated. I proposed the idea to other friends I was sure liked candy. Enter Snavely and Michael Hayes. Now with a posse, I thought maybe Steven G. would see that other people would do it too not just me. Instead all I got was (in effect):
"Dude, I get what you're trying to do and I'm telling you it won't work."

With that I went back thinking of ways I could make this Halloween better than all previous ones, me and the boys have had. Too young to go clubbing. Too nice to start a baseball bat wielding bicycle gang to terrorize trick o' treaters. Too evil to read to terminally ill patients at the hospital. Too poor to rent some scary movies. When all options seemed impossible, divine inspiration hit me. Petty vandalism. With that me and the boys thought long and hard (he he.. long and hard) on a plan to prove Steven G. that you're never too old to trick o' treat. With that came our mission.

What followed could only be explained in pictures.
First we went trick or treating around my neighborhood. It was all good. I was dressed up as a robot. Snavely was dressed as Grim Reaper. And Mike was dressed as Tim the Enchanter (Monty Python thing y'know). So we cavorted around with me asking women to teach me how to love. Snavely innocently threatened houses with his home made dagger (Yes home made, yes dagger). And Mike quoted Monty Python to anyone who would listen. We knew we should have stopped trick o' treating when we got to the bad side of town.

That's when we knew we had mission to be done and we should not hold off any longer. After Ice Cream that is.

Ritter's is the best by the way. Know wonder people rob it. Ahem, anyways back to the mission. Our Mission... F' Steven in the A' (figuratively, of course)

The team was assembled. With me as The Brains, Mike as The Driver, and Snavely as The Beaver, Together we were unstoppable.

Supplied with soap and toilet paper we made the long trek to Leopard Spot Court. There we went there under the pretense of trick o' treating at Steven's house. He apparently was hosting a mature people's party and we weren't invited (That dastard!). With my eloquent speech I was able to decieve him to believe that there is no hard feelings. He was totally unaware to what was about to befall him (The fool!) So we went off for 20 minutes at the nearby parking lot to wait for the rest of his guests to arrive before we started. Then we sneaked back in and went to work. The end result: A job worth remembering through digital photography. (No pic avalable to post)

And trashing a friend's car isn't properly finished without peeing in his gas tank. Or having Snavely make the picture look like you're indulging in the love that dare not speak its name between a man and a car.

Either way it was all good harmless fun. We drove back (few injured). And celebrated with a "Mission Accomplished!' group picture pose.

So in conclusion: if you're going to disagree with someone don't do it during Halloween, at someone with a car, and with candy flowing through their blood.

Thank you.

From My Glory Days In Nam

Ok this story was about me and my friend Josh last year around this time, and we Celebrated Snipe hunting day as well as Helicopter day. And I will be sure to post another story about my Exploits for this years Snipe Hunting/Helicopter Day.

(Also this is just a copy of my original story from my Myspace.)

Battlefield Vietnam

(October 11 2005)

Ok since I missed Snipe Hunting Day, I decided to do it on today too, which in now Helicopter day as well. Well first off me and my friend Josh are both masters of Battlefield and on Tuesday we decided to have some fun sniping the Vietcong, however this quickly turned into a hunt and kill match between me and him. at first I sniped him at extreme range, (range at which the player in no longer visible) and got a head shot off. This pissed him off and he ran to the top of a building to surprise me, unlucky for him, I saw the whole thing and sniped him as soon as he got a good spot. This lead to a large game of kill the sniper. We exchanged kills between each other for a half hour, then he decided to pull out the big guns and ran me over with a tank, ending another long fulfilling day.

(October 13 2005)

Anyway, today was helicopter day, so me and Josh caused some massive destruction in our Apache helicopters and wiped the floor with the Vietcong, that is when we weren't flying face first into a building. But we got the hang of it and went to test our skills, in which I was able to land on top of a building, but was quickly sniped as soon as I bailed. And Josh managed to land INSIDE a building and have it not blow up. I watched this happen above ground in my own helicopter and watched as he tried to take off, but it blew and he jumped out, but when he went to get in my copter, I hit a tree and flipped it, we both bailed but the copter landed safely. However as soon as Josh jumped in, it blew up =P. Anyway this has been a promising week, and I can't wait till we both get Battlefield 2.

(More to come from my Adventures in Battlefield 2)

My blogs will mostly feature My stories of past experiences with games and the weird and funny times that I have had with several of my friends