This is the story of my last year of Halloween as Narrated by my good fried Eric.
Yeah I know Halloween was a long time ago. But I promised someone I'd do this so God help me I'm doing it.
As a part of my final year at Mt. View, I decided I wanted to go trick o' treating with friends before I graduate. So I went to ask one of my supposed friends, Steven Gillette. His response:
"No, dude."
"We're way too old for that."
"Are you kidding?"
"Y'know what, just for suggesting that I'm going to stab you in the face."
"I am Lucifer, I will eat your soul!"
Ok maybe not the last two but you get the gist of it. Rejected but not defeated. I proposed the idea to other friends I was sure liked candy. Enter Snavely and Michael Hayes. Now with a posse, I thought maybe Steven G. would see that other people would do it too not just me. Instead all I got was (in effect):
"Dude, I get what you're trying to do and I'm telling you it won't work."
With that I went back thinking of ways I could make this Halloween better than all previous ones, me and the boys have had. Too young to go clubbing. Too nice to start a baseball bat wielding bicycle gang to terrorize trick o' treaters. Too evil to read to terminally ill patients at the hospital. Too poor to rent some scary movies. When all options seemed impossible, divine inspiration hit me. Petty vandalism. With that me and the boys thought long and hard (he he.. long and hard) on a plan to prove Steven G. that you're never too old to trick o' treat. With that came our mission.
What followed could only be explained in pictures.
First we went trick or treating around my neighborhood. It was all good. I was dressed up as a robot. Snavely was dressed as Grim Reaper. And Mike was dressed as Tim the Enchanter (Monty Python thing y'know). So we cavorted around with me asking women to teach me how to love. Snavely innocently threatened houses with his home made dagger (Yes home made, yes dagger). And Mike quoted Monty Python to anyone who would listen. We knew we should have stopped trick o' treating when we got to the bad side of town.
That's when we knew we had mission to be done and we should not hold off any longer. After Ice Cream that is.
Ritter's is the best by the way. Know wonder people rob it. Ahem, anyways back to the mission. Our Mission... F' Steven in the A' (figuratively, of course)
The team was assembled. With me as The Brains, Mike as The Driver, and Snavely as The Beaver, Together we were unstoppable.
Supplied with soap and toilet paper we made the long trek to Leopard Spot Court. There we went there under the pretense of trick o' treating at Steven's house. He apparently was hosting a mature people's party and we weren't invited (That dastard!). With my eloquent speech I was able to decieve him to believe that there is no hard feelings. He was totally unaware to what was about to befall him (The fool!) So we went off for 20 minutes at the nearby parking lot to wait for the rest of his guests to arrive before we started. Then we sneaked back in and went to work. The end result: A job worth remembering through digital photography. (No pic avalable to post)
And trashing a friend's car isn't properly finished without peeing in his gas tank. Or having Snavely make the picture look like you're indulging in the love that dare not speak its name between a man and a car.
Either way it was all good harmless fun. We drove back (few injured). And celebrated with a "Mission Accomplished!' group picture pose.
So in conclusion: if you're going to disagree with someone don't do it during Halloween, at someone with a car, and with candy flowing through their blood.
Thank you.